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(View from the Cliffs) There is a lot of switching between Taylor and Karlie's pov

Taylor's pov:

I finally reach my destination and look up at the tall tower of bark. It's a coast Redwood tree. I've always used this specific tree as a landmark when I came to the Woods before the Separation. And also after. There's still faint scratches of where I've engraved the bark with a knife to make a compass. To get to Ruby's I go left which is West. Though I swallow in anticipation as of what's to come on my journey to her place. The woods are unpredictable. And Ruby's home is a few hours away. But I know it'll be worth it. I don't have a choice anyways.


Karlie's pov:

Circles. We've been making circles for at least two hours now. The boys have lost their trace. It must be this powerful wind that blows all kinds of smells around us

Bear whimpers as he paws at the ground. Shadow just looks at me

I get the message and grab my backpack off of my back. When it's opened, the smell of raw, warm meat fills my senses and I force myself not to gag. But what else am I going to feed them in order to keep them healthy? They're carnivores. I open the plastic bag that contains the meat and simply drop the food onto the ground. They rush to rid of their hunger. I was hungry but not much anymore. We just have to find Taylor soon before it gets too dark. It's at least 4 o' clock right now. I look all around me. I'm so lost right now. Physically and mentally. I don't know which direction she took. She could've gone home for all I know. And for mentally, I don't know where we stand. She left and I now question if she still loves me. It seems that she left me easily. But I guess she's used to that considering she left her home. I'm taken out of my thoughts by Shadow and Bear's sudden barking. They crouch down with a growl letting me know there's danger near.


Taylor's pov:

I'm halfway there by now. And so far I haven't run into anything dangerous. Just a few squirrels and questionable bugs. But nothing I can't handle. I look ahead and see nothing but more trees. I'll be approaching the Cliffs very soon though. The Cliffs are tricky. One wrong step and you fall to your death. Straight forward, but there's no other way to put it. I stop in my tracks suddenly when I feel like I'm being watched. I feel goosebumps rise on my skin. I start to walk again but faster. I hear footsteps behind me and I stop. I look around but see nothing. I take off running and hear loud footsteps behind me. I take a sharp left to half circle a tree and bring out my knife. Just like I thought, they are now in front of me as they tried to intercept me. My eyebrows furrow in confusion




Karlie's pov:

I'm quick to bring out my knife from my right pocket. My pistol is out of reach for now

Bear crouches directly in front of me, being his protective self

I wait patiently for anything to show itself. But so far, nothing. My ears haven't even picked up a sound. Maybe it's just the wind-

My body is suddenly knocked to the ground but my knife still in strong grip. I wince in pain as I look into the eyes of a bobcat. It roars, exposing it's large, sharpened teeth before slashing my cheek with its long claws. I scream out in pain but not losing my concentration. I take my knife and stab it's side making it cry out and remove itself from on top of me. Shadow is quick to pounce on it and bite it's neck, killing it with ease

Suddenly, another bobcat shows itself by pouncing onto Bear

This better not be a pack. I take this time to swing my backpack off and open it to find the pistol. When I do I make sure it's loaded before I cock it. I aim the gun at the cat but it's hard when Bear and Shadow are in my line of sights. I wait for any type of opening, to where I know for sure I will hit the cat and not one of my wolves. But it's yet to come. I already notice Shadow limping and Bear bleeding on his side. I groan in annoyance and anger "Shadow!" I call firmly

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