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Karlie's pov:

Angry. Angry is an understatement. I've seen Taylor's body. I've seen what they did to my angel. It's disgusting, heartbreaking, painful. And I wish I could take it all back. I wish I wouldn't have gone hunting that morning. I wish I would've been here. I wish I could protect Taylor but I can't. I just can't. I'm not good at it. I've lost my confidence. She needs someone better. She needs someone who is stronger than me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Jake was still alive.

I turn my body, away from Taylor and slowly stand to my feet. Rain knocks on the windows softly. But no crashing of thunder is heard. Which I'm glad because it would wake Taylor. And the last thing I want at this moment is for my angel to be awoken and scared. I help myself to a glass of water and take a seat at the kitchen table. Before I know it, I have my head in my hands, crying to myself. I hate this. I hate that my angel is hurt. I hate that I can't protect her. I hate that she can't bake cookies because it hurts her fingers, I hate that she can't dress herself because it hurts her body to move, I hate that she can't clean her own body and hair because it hurts her bare fingernails, but what I hate the most is that she hates it all too. She feels guilty for what I have to do for her everyday. But I love Taylor and I will never stop helping her. I would do all of these things for her until I die. I would do anything for my angel.

"Karlie!" I hear Taylor's voice cry

I gasp and wipe my eyes as I run to her. I almost knocked over my glass of water when I stood up abruptly

"My back" she groans in pain as she clutches the bed sheets

I immediately run to the fridge and grab a small bottle from the side door. I also grab a syringe from a small box that sits next to the sink. I rush back to the bedroom

"Hurry" she cries and tries to remove the covers from over her body

I poke the needle into the small bottle and fill the syringe with the medication "Ok" I'm quick to remove the covers from her body and lift up her gray tshirt. I smoothly stick the needle into her lower back, to the right of her spine

She whimpers

I push the top of the syringe down until all of the medication has left it. I then pull it out and set it on the near nightstand. I let out a breath as does she

"I'm so sorry" she slowly rolls onto her back revealing the tears that stream down her beautiful face

"Don't apologize to me baby. I have to do this and you know it" I run my fingers through her sweaty hair

"But you have to do it everyday" she cries with a sniffle

She's right. Everyday I have to push a needle filled with medication into her lower back. It's to help the pain of the scars on her back heal and to not be so painful. But I also have to rub certain oils on the scars that spot her stomach. And not to mention rebandanging her fingers everyday. "I'm happy to do it Taylor because I love you and I care for you. I don't want you to be in any pain" I kiss her cheek delicately "This won't last forever you know? Only a month and a half left" That's right. It's been two weeks since she was taken. Since Harry found her in a morgue, and by morgue I mean a large room with multiple dead bodies piled up. I was disgusted when I found out.

She nods softly "Why were you up?" She asks and props herself up against a pillow. Her face scrunches up in pain then relaxes

"Just couldn't sleep" I shrug

"You need sleep Karlie" she states with a sigh

"I know I do. But I don't care right now. It's all about what you need. Not me" I kiss her cheek

She rubs my cheek gently with her bandaged thumb. She connects her eyes with mine "Then I need you to sleep"

I laugh softly as I pull away

"Can you at least lay with me?" She grabs my hand that lays on the white, cotton sheets

I smile and take my place next to her warm body. After a few whimpers of pain she's cuddled into my body and I'm playing with her hair. I realize I didn't shut the bedroom door when the dogs come running in and jump onto the bed. I laugh. Ever since Taylor was taken they sensed the need of protection.

"Shadow" she says softly and reaches out to touch his head

He licks her bandaged fingers as if he's trying to soothe the pain

"I'm ok" she speaks to him

I smile

Bear snuggles into the back of my body as Shadow does the same to Taylor

"I don't think I've ever felt so warm and protected before" She giggles

I giggle along with her. We lay in the center of our bed, our wolves outlining us. And for the first time in days, I fall asleep knowing my angel is safe and protected.


I just wanted to give you this short, sweet chapter :). My next update will be sometime this weekend. I'm leaving for Nashville on Sunday and I think coming back Tuesday. Vote and comment! Love you guys!
- Rachel :)

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