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Read slowly. Enjoy!

Karlies pov:

Since Taylor had a rough night I let her sleep. I'm not sure how I feel about Jake. I'm not even exactly sure who he is. But one thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to ask. Not after what I saw last night. Anyways, I'm going to Cara's camp today because I'm running low on a few things. No doubt Taylor is coming with me. I'm not planning on leaving her alone for a very long time. She's my girlfriend and it's my job to protect her. Just then I hear footsteps approach me from behind and I'm quick to turn just in case it's someone dangerous

"Wow" she says and chuckles "That was quick"

I examine her in a gray tshirt and jean shorts. The necklace I made her hangs around her neck and a smile forms on my face. But then I notice two more, of which I've never noticed "What are these?" I stand up from kneeling on the ground. I was planting tomatoes. I delicately hold the charms in my slightly dirty hands

"Oh. This one was my moms" she shows the heart shaped locket and then opens it to reveal her and her mom at a young age

I smile "You're adorable" I state truthfully

"Thank you" she blushes "And this one.." She picks up the small feather hanging around her neck "I got this at Cara's. An old lady gave it to me" she states with her brows furrowed

"Oh?" I raise one of my brows

"Ya. She said something like..It's a symbol of freedom, it awakens your curiosity and opens your heart and mind to possibilities" she quotes

My eyebrows raise in surprise "Wow"

"Ya" she bites her lip and let's the feather fall back to her chest like it was before

I immediately divert my eyes from her lips when I notice her looking at me


"Ya?" I turn around to face my tomato plants. They look like they're growing well.


"Ya..." I repeat

"Karlie!" She says a little more loudly catching my attention

I finally turn to face her, only for her lips to be slammed onto mine. I'm caught off guard at first, but soon our lips move in sync, making my heart race.

She wraps her arms around my neck as our lips smack together for a long moment. She pulls away too soon for my liking and places her head in my chest, hugging me

I'm quick to wrap my arms around her. I can't help but think that this is so sweet

She pulls away "Need any help with the tomatoes?" She glances behind me

"No I'm actually done. Are you hungry? Or thirsty or anything? I can still make you breakfast" I begin to head towards the cabin

"No mom I'm ok. But thanks" she sasses

I turn around to face her with a glare

She chuckles "I already ate. Because in case you didn't know, I can cook too. As well as clean my own clothes, pick up after my own self, get myself a glass of water-"

"Ok ok I get it" I cut her off

She laughs

I smile to myself as we head inside "Ok smart ass, I'm going to Cara's to get a few things. And I'm not leaving you here so are you ready to go?" I ask

"Ya" she shrugs

I nod "Good. Wanna feed Shadow? I'll feed Bear" I grab their food bowls and hand Taylor the white wolf's bowl

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now