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Taylor's pov:

It's been nothing but silent at home. We haven't spoken anything to each other yet. She's busy thinking as well as I. I'm anxious, tired, hurt, and scared. But when I look at Karlie, all I see is anger. I only hope it's not targeted at me. She finally stands up from her spot at the couch making my heart skip a beat in hopes she's going to comfort me in this time of fear. But I'm wrong..she disappears into our bedroom. I hear the door slam shut and I look to the wooden floor. I sigh helplessly. I bet she'll get over it soon. She usually does. Maybe her favorite dinner will help things. I search through the cabinets and refrigerator, making sure I have all the ingredients to make spaghetti. I smile wide when I do. I peek out the kitchen every once and a while to check that she hasn't left our room just so I can surprise her. After an hour, I have it all done. Well except for the bread, that's still being toasted. In the mean time, I set out two bowls and cups. Not to mention, one brightly lit candle in the center of the table. I smile at all of my work. Now all that's left is the bread.

"What's this?" Karlie asks

I hadn't noticed her presence making me jump from my spot behind my chair

"Oh. I made us dinner" I state calmly

She nods and passes me to grab a cup and get herself a glass of water

I look down at my feet


"What's going on?" Dad walks into the kitchen as I turn away from the stove

"I'm making us dinner" I say bluntly

"Mhm. And what will it be?" He asks skeptically as he approaches me to examine the metal pot

"Chicken Noodle Soup" I stir the wooden spoon in the warm liquid

"My favorite?" He asks

"I just thought it'd be nice since it's cold-"

"You think it's going to be as good as your mom's?" He asks

I feel my body become tense as I stop my stirring. I clench my jaw as I imagine the smirk that takes its place on his face

"Come on Taylor you know it can't be as good as hers. Nothing you make will be as good as hers" He taunts in my ear

"Well I might as well try" I respond

He immediately grabs my hand tight in his grip "I'm sorry what was that?" He asks

I feel my heartbeat pick up "I said I might as well as try"

"I was afraid you said that" he forces my hand onto the burning stove and I scream in pain

"Stop!" I beg as I feel the soft skin of the palm of my hand being burned to a crisp

After a few more seconds, he releases his grip and I immediately dash to the sink and run cold water over my burned hand. I whimper in pain as I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my baseball tee

"Don't you ever try to do anything like your mom. No matter what, you will never be as good as her" He leaves at that

"I hate you" I mutter to myself. I examine my burned hand under the cold water and cry. It's completely red with ugly blisters.

End of Flashback

I'm taken out of my thoughts by the sound of a chair screeching against the floor. I realize it's only Karlie scooting closer to the table. I let out a breath as I turn over my left hand. All that's there is a barely visible, pale scar that runs horizontally across my palm. I've had it since I was 16.

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