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Read slowly. Enjoy!

Karlie's pov:

My eyes flutter open as sunlight seeps through the blinds of the near window. I yawn and rub my eyes. I hear a soft sound making me look down and see Taylor still fast asleep. I smile. I try my best to unwrap my arms around her without waking her. I succeed. Before I head to the shower, I don't hesitate to pull the covers over Taylor's body so she doesn't get cold. As I do I can't help but stare. She's my girl. Mine. And no one is going to take her from me. No one.


I stand in the kitchen alone with my thoughts and of course Bear. "We kissed last night" I whisper to myself as I make breakfast "We kissed" I look to Bear

He tilts his head at me

I smile wide "We kissed!" I say excitedly. I'm not exactly sure why I'm just now celebrating. It's like the thought suddenly hit me, the fact that I kissed the woman I love. Wait does this mean we're dating? "Do you think she'll be my girlfriend?" I ask my wolf "Duh Karlie of course she will. She kissed you for God's sake" I throw my hands up as I talk to myself. I laugh at myself and continue making my own omelette

"Karlie?" I hear a soft voice

I immediately turn to face the blonde. My face reddens. I only hope she didn't hear me talking to myself. "Hi. Are you hungry? I made you an omelette" I point to her side of the table that is set up perfectly for her with an omelette on a small plate

"Uhm yes. But I was just wondering.."

"Yes?" I raise a brow

She bites her lip and looks down acting shy

Huh. She never acts like this. "What is it?"

"Uhm. Well you see..this morning..when I woke up, my stomach was hurting. So I..I went to the bathroom" she says slowly as he face turns redder and redder by the second

Oh my god she's the cutest thing

"And Uhm..it was my period and I just needed-"

"Oh ya" I cut her off to save her from anymore embarrassment "Of course angel" I smile "I should've showed you this earlier I'm sorry" I roll my eyes at myself as I grab a small key from a drawer here in the kitchen. I head to the closet in the hallway as she follows. "This is where I keep all my important supplies including toiletries, just in case someone ever broke in"

"That's smart" she comments

"Thanks" I push the gold, rusty key into the lock and turn it, making the lock click. I grab everything that Taylor may need and set them in her arms "Also, here are some cramping pills" I set the little bottle on her two boxes

"Thank you Karlie" she smiles shyly and blushes once again

"Of course" I kiss her cheek then begin to walk away

But she grabs my arm to pull me back "I'll be right out to eat that omelette. Also.." She kisses my lips "You missed" she leaves me frozen in my spot

I touch my lips, feeling the tingling sensation that hasn't yet disappeared.


After Taylor felt better we decided to just do a subtle workout. We've done crunches, push ups, pull ups, and..squats. That was my favorite part. Right now, we're ending with sit ups

"30..31..32" I count

"Karlie I can't do anymore" she moans and drops back down

"34 very good. I think you're a lot more fit then you think" I comment with a nod of my head

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