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I apologize for the long wait

Karlie's pov:

"Ok we're ready" Cara leads the boys out of her hut. They are now clothed in armor and heavy weapons

I stand up from the large rock I was sitting on "Took long enough. It's been three days Cara!" I yell in anger with my arms crossed over my chest

"Karlie we can't just burst into the camp. They have people on the lookout and-"

"No. I don't care. Do you not understand what the Nakoons are like?" I cut Harry off

"Exactly! They would take us down before we could even get to Taylor" he now stands in front of me

I know he's right. But at the same time, Taylor could as well be dead. But I'm not going to believe it. "Fine." I clench my jaw

He rolls his eyes "Let's just go"

I notice he grips his gun tighter as we head to an armored jeep. This jeep we only use in wars but Cara allowed us this time. She figured it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus, she really likes Taylor

"Harry where are you going?" I hear a young voice

I turn my head towards the sound

Colton runs to the tall brunette that pauses from stepping into the vehicle

I frown. He doesn't know.

"We're just going on a trip bud don't worry about it. We'll be back before it gets dark" he ruffles his hair

"Wait can I come?" He asks excitedly

Harry shifts his green eyes to mine

I shake my head slightly

Colton turns to me quickly "Where's Taylor? I can ask her" he states hopefully

"Colton no" I grab his shoulder to keep him from running off in search of her

"She-" I sigh and look down at my feet

"What?" He looks up with his bright brown eyes

"She was taken.." I swallow

He furrows his brows "What do you mean?"

"The Nakoons..they took her" I bend down "I'm so-"

"No!" He immediately runs off

"Colton!" I yell

Harry immediately grabs my arm and pulls me back "Karlie we have to go. Don't you want to save Taylor?" He loosens his grip and hear his car door shut

I stare at the boy disappearing within the crowd of citizens. My face then turns serious and I take my seat beside Niall

"You ready?" He hands me a machine gun

I stare at the gun then turn to his icy blue eyes "Yes."


Taylor's pov:

I breathe heavily as my head is leaned back against the pole I'm still tied too. I'm dehydrated and starving. I've been offered stale bread and limbs of dead bodies. But I've declined everything each time. I don't trust them and I don't trust their food. Besides, I can last a while without food, although it doesn't help with my sickness in the pit of my stomach. Have you ever felt so food deprived that you feel nauseous? That's how I feel right now. I feel weak and nauseous.

"Today you die" A bald, dark skinned man approaches me

"Way to be straight forward" I sass with a roll of my eyes

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now