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Taylor's pov:

I'm left speechless not knowing how I should feel

"I've been searching for the right blood. But I can't find it-"

"Why are they mostly women?" I interrupt after scanning the room to only see about ten men and there's at least 50 bodies in here

"Well men don't carry this certain kind of blood. Only women do. I had my suspicions though so I had to take a few men, because women can share this blood with men" he weaves his way, towards the back of the room, around the bodies

"What kind of blood?" I ask while swallowing; I feel a bit nauseous from the awful smell contained in this room

He grabs something from a silver fridge. He makes his way back to me while holding a glass tube filled with liquid "Immortal blood." He stares into my eyes while handing the tube to me "Immortal blood is blue."

"What?" I almost laugh "What does this have to do with me?" I stare at it

"You have it Taylor. I know because your mom had it" he steps towards me

I glance up at him "What are you talking about? Immortality is just fiction it's not real" I explain "Besides, I've bled and it's red"

"That's because your immortality was hiding the fact that it's immortal blood. Immortality is rare and must be kept a secret, it can be taken advantage of. Your body was losing immortal blood but it gained it back because you are a full immortal. Your blood will be blue when you want it to be. For example, It will be blue when you share it because you are aware of yourself sharing it, so your immortality doesn't hide it. You can't share your blood unless you allow yourself to."

I try my best to comprehend what he just said but my brain isn't letting me, therefore I feel calm.

I study the blue blood once more before handing it back to him

"Everyone that I've known to be immortal was only half" he states

"You said that mom was immortal" I recall from a moment ago

"She was a full one, as you are too" he says with a hint of excitement and a smile

"But she's dead. She wouldn't be dead if you were telling the truth" I start to feel a bit defensive

"Taylor, I'm serious. I need you to listen to me" he reaches out towards me

"No" I step backwards "Don't. touch me." I stare into his eyes letting him know I'm serious "You're crazy you know that?"

He turns angry "Taylor" he reaches out to grab me but I'm pulled back by someone. My back hits their chest

"She asked you not to touch her sir" the voice says firmly

I look up to see Kingsley who has a neutral look on his face

Dad looks pissed as he gives a challenging stare to him "Taylor. I need your blood" he says lowly making it come out more as a threat than a statement

I immediately decline his offer "I have normal blood-"

"No you do not!" He yells

I know I look frightened when he sighs, trying to calm himself down "You are immortal can't die" dad says seriously

I stare at him for a long moment as I think to myself "But you said that mom was the same why is she dead?" I repeat myself as my bottom lip quivers "You have to be lying to me"

He stares at me with an emotionless expression

Kingsley squeezes my arm in comfort, letting me know he's spite of when he told me to leave him alone

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now