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Karlie's pov:

I help Taylor into bed and pull the covers over her. Her entire body shakes as she complains that she's still cold

"Don't move I'll get more blankets" I command while glancing at her sweaty face

Her cold hand grips my warm arm "Don't go" her voice is raspy

I pull my arm away gently "It'll be quick angel I'm just going to get blankets. Stop thinking the worst like you always do"

She smiles softly for the first time in hours

I head to the unlocked closet in the hallway to retrieve a couple more blankets. On my way I notice Shadow trotting into the bedroom to curl up next to Taylor. I smile softly when she slowly reaches out to touch him and he ends up licking her hand multiple times. Before making my next move, I double check that Taylor is well distracted. A vest, fit for a dog, is grabbed by my hands quickly in efforts of doing it slyly.

I notice my achievement when I pass the open doorway with no call backs. Bear must have heard the jingling of the vest considering he is sitting directly in front of the front door when I step into the living room. I quickly wrap the vest around him and tighten the straps around his belly. He waits as I write something down onto a piece of paper before folding it and sticking it into a container. I put it in one of the empty slots of Bear's vest. A small bag of dog food is on each side of his back that he can simply rip open to eat. Water is something that he can find on his own, I know he will. I make sure that everything is safely in place before bending down in front of him "Cara" I state firmly

He gives a loud bark before facing the door in hopes that I'll open it soon

"Be safe" I scratch his head

He whines at me

Not another second passes before I swing it open to watch him dart off into the dimly lit woods. It's daytime but it's a bit cloudy. Bear disappears before I slam the door shut and lock it. I rush back to the open closet to actually get the blankets for Taylor.

"What took you so long?" She asks in a rough voice as I cover her up with a soft blanket before piling a couple more onto it.

I pat the bed to let Shadow jump back on after I fixed the blankets

"I heard barking" she mentions with her eye brows furrowed

I look down at her "Bear just wanted me but he's fine now. Are you hungry? Or thirsty?" I attempt at changing the subject with a bite of my lip. However, it is true that she hasn't eaten or drunken anything since the second time she was sick which was about two hours ago.

She stares at me "Uhm..not really" she speaks hesitantly

"But you need something in your body" I brush some sweaty hair strands out of her pale face

Her eyes fall closed "I'm just tired" she whispers

Shadow lays his head on her chest feeling as helpless as I am I'm sure

"I'll make something for when you wake up" I lean down to kiss her forehead

Her hand grips my arm like last time "Then will you lay with me?" She asks showing her bright blue eyes

"Of course angel" I smile

Her eyes fall closed again motivating me to head for the kitchen. I search the many cabinets and single fridge for anything that would be good for a person in her condition. A kind of soup is what I'm aiming for but I don't have any noodles.


"What is it?" She asks as she slowly but surely sits up by herself

"Broccoli Cheese soup" I answer as I sit next to her on the bed

She scrunches her nose up cutely

I chuckle "You'll like it" I hand the bowl to her "I also brought an apple and some water" I set them both on the nightstand next to her

She stares at the soup in her lap

"Feeling better?" I ask sitting criss crossed

She nods still not looking up "Sleep helped a lot"

"Yay!" I cheer "Now try the soup" I demand

She picks up the spoon but is interrupted by abrupt knocking at the door "Stay here" I hop off the bed

"Who is it?" She asks suddenly but I ignore her so I can surprise her

In high hopes that it's Cara I don't bother to look through the peep hole in the door..although I wish I had..because when I yank the door open, it's most definitely not Cara.


Who is it? 🙊. Short I know, but only because I'm posting tomorrow too. Happy New Years! 🎉

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now