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Karlie's pov:


I turn my head to see Taylor standing in my sweatpants and tshirt. I hadn't noticed her following me, but I guess she really is feeling better?

"Taylor Alison!" Her dad storms over only to slap her on her right cheek

"Hey!" I'm about to charge at him when I feel my body suddenly being lifted. I begin to struggle in the man's arms "Put me down you piece of shit!" I say angrily. He's too strong for me.

"Karlie" Taylor begs but is blocked by her dad's arm

He approaches me with a chuckle "What did you call me?" He asks

I stare at him with a narrow of my eyes

"Dad please" Taylor says

"You do realize that I can have you killed in seconds right? Either by me or this nice man that's holding you back" he smiles

"You won't" I state confidently

The man squeezes my stomach with his arms making me wince

"And why is that..Karlie?" He raises a brow

I glance at Taylor

She wipes her nose with her arm letting me know that she's crying


"I love her dad." Taylor interrupts

My heart jumps

His eyebrows furrow "You what?" He turns in her direction. His tone is angry.

Taylor takes a step back in fears he may hurt her

I jerk my body but still do not break free

"You love her?" He laughs "You can't love her! She can do nothing for you! You used to want a family don't you remember that?!" He continues to step closer to her

I notice movement from the corner of my eye

"What about Jake?" He mentions

I gasp as Shadow heads for him. But he places himself in front of Taylor. His sharp teeth show from his rolled up lip, his hind is in the air as if he is ready to attack

"What the-" Her dad steps backwards in fear

"His name is Shadow" I speak up

"This is yours?" He asks me, feeling surprised that a human can own a wolf

"Yes. He won't hurt you if you let me go" I bargain

He laughs "Like I'm stupid enough-"

Shadow barks loudly as he leaps forward

Taylor's dad immediately steps backwards in fear once again

The man's arms around me loosen a bit and I take the chance to dig my nails into his skin. He curses as he releases me letting me grab his gun from his hand easily. I back away with the gun aimed towards the man that slapped my girlfriend

"Don't..hurt her" I warn

"Karlie what are you-"

"So you're going to kill me?" He cuts Taylor off and begins to laugh "You're too scared-"

I simply aim the pistol at the man who restricted me from my movements. I shoot his left arm

He groans and clutches it in pain

I then aim at the other big man who just drops his gun and puts his hands up

"Leave." I command at her dad with the pistol aimed right at his heart. My attention is placed fully on him, blinding my left side.

Shadow trots to my side, letting his guard down

Taylor stares at me with worried eyes

"You thought you were smart..didn't you?" He smirks

I snap my head to the left, but I'm too late as the dart hits me directly in the chest.

Taylor's pov:

"Karlie!" I watch her collapse

"Relax she'll only be out for an hour"

I'm about to protest when I feel an itch in my throat. I begin to cough violently until I notice something in my hand. What's going on?

"Are you sick?" Dad asks skeptically

I stay silent as I stare at the blood in my hand. I'm scared.

"It's getting worse, much worse than I assumed. Taylor we have to go!" He grabs my arm

"No, what do you mean? And go where?" I ask as I'm filled with both curiosity and fear. I yank my arm out of his tight grip.

"Back home, to the City."


I'm going to be honest. This didn't exactly go as planned. Once again, this book is reaching its end, but I'm happy to start a new book. Hope you enjoyed it! I meant to ask last chapter..what's your favorite thing you got for Christmas? Have a great day at school tomorrow for those who start. I know I do 😒. I love you! Adios!

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now