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Karlie's pov:


"Stop!" She yells desperately as she covers her ears with her hands "I didn't mean for it to happen!" She cries

For what to happen?

"Leave me alone!" She runs through the trees as fast as she can, trying to run away from the voices "It wasn't my fault!"

What wasn't her fault?

"Taylor!" I yell, trying to get her attention. But she can't hear me

"None of it is my fault! Get out of my head!" She yells, her veins popping from her neck. Her ears bleeding, tears running down her face

I watch in pure pain and torture

"I didn't mean to kill him! I-it was an accident" Her voice shakes as she steps closer to the edge of the cliff

Kill who?

"What are you doing?" I ask as if she can hear me

"But what about Karlie? And Colton?" She sniffles as she looks down, over the edge of the cliff

"Don't do this!" I beg

"You're right. It was all my fault. I'm sorry Karlie" she lets her body go

"Taylor!" My hand reaches for her shirt, but it goes right through it. My voice goes unheard as her body disappears from view. She's falling. And I can't save her.


I jolt awake from my dream with a deep breath in my lungs. A thin layer of sweat covers my golden skin.

Bear licks my cheek after I sit up and I wrap my arms around his furry neck in desperate need of comfort. Though I wish it was Taylor.


Taylor's pov:

I didn't get much sleep last night as I spent most of the hours explaining myself to Ruby. She took it all in surprisingly well. Although, she hasn't lightened up about my dad yet

"He's going to murder your girlfriend" She repeats

"I know. You told me that already" I roll my eyes

"Why are you so calm about this?"

"Because it's not going to happen. As long as I'm around, my dad is not going to touch Karlie" I state seriously from my place in front of the couch where Ruby sits

"Alright. If that's what you say" she stretches herself out on the couch and relaxes in attempt to catch up on her sleep

I sigh "He's not going to hurt her"

"Ok" she says unconvincingly

I groan in annoyance

"Go sleep or something you're being cranky" she waves me off

"And you're being an asshole!" My mood suddenly shifts

"No I'm being honest! We both know that your dad is not a fan of same sex relationships. He's not really a fan of anything. And he always gets rid of the things he dislikes by killing them!" She suddenly sits up to send me a burning gaze

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, my voice coming out weaker than I intended it to

Her eyes go wide "Wait Taylor I didn't mean-"

"No it's fine. You're right. How else did my mom die?" I send out a fake laugh

"Taylor" she stands up to her feet

"Really. It's fine. I'll just make us some lunch" I smile sweetly at her then head to the open kitchen. Her loud sigh goes unnoticed as she drops back onto the couch.


Karlie's pov:

After packing up everything we head out once again, in hopes of finding my angel. I don't want to sleep anywhere but a bed tonight that's for sure

So far, the weather is looking nice, not a single cloud in the sky. The ground is very muddy though, which I know would be driving Taylor insane if she were here. Sometimes I still question how we get along so well. I'm in no way tidy nor girly, the opposite of her. She's always wanting to paint my finger nails, saying my hands are beautiful and feminine. The nail polish would look so pretty. But I always turn her down. I don't want to worry about taking the polish off later. And she always gets annoyed after I take a shower because the bathroom is a mess when I'm done. But really I do that on purpose so I can convince her to shower with me since she always keeps the bathroom clean. I'm never going to tell her though. She'll figure it out sooner or later I'm sure, she's far more intelligent than she realizes. I have always noticed how insecure she is about herself. Yet I don't know how, considering she's drop dead gorgeous and one of the nicest people I know. I wish she could see how beautiful she really is. Once, I caught her staring at her bare body in the mirror with a very disappointed look on her face. It broke my heart to see her disgust towards her own beautiful self. She's blind and I don't know if I'll ever be able to heal her. The least I can do is tell her that she's beautiful everyday. Which isn't hard at all considering it's the truth. Too bad she never believes me. Well..except for a few times..ya know when we would be in bed together and we'd be staring into each other's eyes. I tell her she's beautiful when she comes undone. It is a beautiful sight. A spark will enlighten in her blue eyes as if, for a split second, she would believe me.


So. Many. Question. I know. It's short. I decided to split my idea into two parts. It'd take too long to make them into one, and I promised you guys a chapter today. Things just keep popping up. I know..excuses excuses. But it's only the truth. I'll get the second part out soon, hopefully before school starts on Wednesday. I really don't want to go back. Have a great day/night alright? I love you guys please don't forget that. :) Vote and comment!
- Rachel:)

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