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Taylor's pov:

Another day has passed and I don't feel any different. I feel like I've lost the biggest war of my entire life. I know what I have to do but I don't want to do it.

"Taylor. I made some breakfast" Ruby says from behind me

My back is to her as I lay in bed, staring at the wall "I'm not hungry"

She sighs "You keep saying that. But you have to eat something"

I stay silent

"Fine." She's just about to leave the room when I speak up

"Why?" I ask unemotionally

"Why what?"

"Why did you make me sleep with you? After I told you I didn't love you. And after you knew I was with Karlie" Tears gather in my eyes

The door clicks shut and I suddenly grow angry. I roughly pull the covers off of my body and storm out of the room

She turns to me with a surprised expression

"Why Ruby?!" I have my fists clenched at my sides

"I love you Taylor. That's my only reason I'm-"

"But if you love me then you wouldn't have ruined my relationship!" I yell through tears

"Love makes people do despicable things" she says calmly

"So you don't regret it?" I ask with my arms crossed over my chest

"After it happened I did. But not anymore" there's a ghost of a smirk on her face

"You're an asshole you know that?"

She shrugs "I do what I have to do"

"You used to be different" I say sadly

"No I wasn't. People are two-sided"

A tear streams down my face "I know" I say quietly. I begin to grab my stuff from around her cabin quickly

"What are you doing?"

"Packing" I stare at the photo of me and Karlie for a second before folding it and sticking it into my pocket

"Why?" She asks skeptically

"I'm leaving why else would I be?" I scoff

"Wait you can't leave. You said-"

"I know what I said. But we're two-sided. Remember?" I remind her with a glare

She looks taken back as we stand in silence

"I hate you. And I hope I never see you again." I say seriously

She grabs my wrist before I step out the door

"Don't touch me!" I shove her body away from me

Her back slams into the wall. Her face then turns into a grimace "You will regret this"

"No Ruby. I won't" I step out of her cabin not bothering to close the door. An odd breeze slams it shut behind me making me jump slightly. The trees that she has planted begin to blow with the breeze. I try not to think of it as I start my journey back home.


Karlie's pov:

I finally motivated myself to roll out of bed and even cleaned the house a little. Usually Taylor does the cleaning but as we both know, she isn't here.

As I tuck the fresh sheets in between the mattress and bed slat, a small book falls onto the floor. My brows furrow in confusion as I pick up the brown journal. I realize it must be Taylor's as I know I'm not much of a writer. I roll my eyes with a laugh at the awful hiding spot. Only she would hide things in an obvious place.

I run my fingers over the cover of the book with a smile. My delicate hand runs over the engraving of her name. I open it and flip through all of the pages quickly, only catching a glance. It's all writing, with only a couple of drawings. I won't read it as I know that would be unfair to her. She respects my privacy so I'll respect hers. I put it back in its place before finishing up making the bed. I force myself not to cry as my thoughts dwell on my girlfriend. I can't even be away from her for four days. But she obviously can. She's much stronger than I am. I sniffle as I leave the room

Bear picks his head up from his paws as I pass him. He knows something is up.

But Shadow doesn't move from his spot on the floor. I know he's missing Taylor just as much as me. Sometimes he'll stare at the door and whine, hoping she'll walk in any second. He hasn't been eating much and it's really concerning me. It's weird to think that one person could downgrade your health, even to the point where you could die.

Bear nudges my hand as I stand in the middle of the living room. I smile softly at him

He drops out his tongue and stares at me

"What?" I ask

He closes his mouth and whines

"What?" I ask more annoyedly

He trots to the door and looks back at me

"She's not out there Bear"

He barks

"She's not out there!" I repeat

He growls and runs over to me, only to bite my jeans and start to pull back

"Bear stop!" I yell as I step backwards

He barks again, releasing his strong grip on my pants

I sigh and notice two holes at the knee of my jeans

He stands at the door again and stares at me

"Ok! But only for a little bit" I give in and grab my coat from a nearby hook

Shadow stands up quickly as he starts to wag his tail

I open the door and they run out

"Wait!" I call as I dart after them.


I am sorry that this a day late. I had two ideas and finally chose between them. Hopefully you will forgive me. Btw, THANK YOU FOR A 1,000 VOTES AND ALL THE READS! I TOOK A SCREENSHOT CAUSE IM WEIRD AND A NERD! I would apologize but Taylor says not to apologize for who you are. She probably meant it in a different case but oh well I still apply it. I love you guys so much thank you!! Have a great day/night! And remember to never apologize for who you are. Courtesy of the queen. Byeee! :)
-Rachel :)

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