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Karlie's pov:

I stare at him, contemplating if I should trust his words or my heart "I can't just let her go"

"It's only for a short time. I promise you she will come running back to you. Just go home. Trust me" He eyes me seriously as I start to fall apart in my own mind

"Home isn't really home without Taylor" I glare at him then whip around to turn back, towards my cabin. I feel him watching me as the distance between me and Taylor gets further and further. I feel my body becoming heavy as sadness overtakes me. I should turn back. I should. But I'm not going to. In a way, he is right. She left me. If she wanted to stay, she would have. I won't fight for her if she doesn't want me.


I don't sleep. The sun hasn't even come up yet when I get back to my place. Shadow and Bear are very tired and I bet will curl up in their spots when we get inside. But when I approach the door, I realize that something is different. In high hopes of it being Taylor, I burst in scaring the people inside

"Karlie!" The 13 year old says happily

"Colton?" I question with a raised brow

"What's up?" He says casually as he gives me a smile

I scan the two other kids he brought with him "What is-"

"Hey guys look at what I found!" A large kid runs out of the bedroom indeed holding a box of tampons rather proudly

They all laugh softly

"What?" He hasn't noticed me yet, but when he sees the looks on his friends faces, he finds me, making his eyes go wide

I give him a look of disapproval "Ok seriously, what is going on?"

He scurries to Colton's side

"I told them about how you live out here on your own in your own cabin. They wanted to see the place" Colton explains "I wanted to see Taylor. By the way, where is she?" He asks curiously

"And who are your friends?" I ask crossing my arms, changing the subject

"This is Will" he gestures to a tan brunette who gives me a head nod and a wink

I roll my eyes

"And Jordan" The dark skinned boy performs a spin "Sup?" He head nods also

"And well..Russell" he finally gestures to the fat kid on his left who gives me a look of pure terror

I sigh and hold out my hand

He flinches

"The box" I order

Colton quickly takes it from his hand and places it in mine

"Thank you" I send a fake smile and pass the line of young boys. I toss my bag onto the couch as I head to the bathroom

After putting the box of tampons back in its place, I hear a very girly scream. I groan in annoyance and head back to the living room, restraining myself from crawling into bed.

"Wolves!" Russell points and takes cover behind Colton

"Dude chill. It's her pets. That's Bear. And that one is Shadow" He points


I notice Will accompanying himself with a chocolate bar from the kitchen cabinet

"Give me that" I snatch it from his hand

"We could share" he smirks

"Dude, she's with Taylor"

I smirk at the tan brunette

He turns back to me, away from Colton "So what? You guys up for a threesome?" He smirks back

"Oh my god. Please leave now" I command "All of you." I finish

"Wait but where is Taylor?" The boy reminds me

"She's not here, she went exploring" I shove the last boy Russell, out the door

"Wait but she-"

"And please don't ever come in if no one answers, that's a crime" I slam the door shut and make sure to lock it. I then head into the bathroom to take a very needed shower. It doesn't do anything but make me even more tired. I crawl into bed to catch up on some very needed sleep. I stare at Taylor's spot, knowing that if she were here, we'd be entangled and staring into each other's eyes. Nothing else. Just staring and taking in each other's presence. My eyes land on her untouched pillow. I decide against using it instead of my own.

But it's only minutes later when I grab her pillow and replace my own. I smell the pillowcase to be greeted with the scent of vanilla and lavender. Her scent that I've fallen in love with.

"I'll wait for you to come home." I whisper against the soft cotton.


Taylor's pov:

I stare at the ceiling silently, basking in my thoughts. I listen to the birds chirping outside during this sunny morning. My body is warm as I still lay swaddled up in cotton sheets and warm pajamas. My calmness is interrupted by the bedroom door opening

"Hey" Ruby greets "I made you some tea" she sets a mug on the nightstand

"Thanks" I say bluntly, then divert my eyes back to the ceiling, counting all the little dots that speck the white ceiling

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. It wasn't my place. For now on, I stay out of it" she smiles

"Ok" I keep my eyes locked

She sighs "Don't beat yourself up. You did what you had to do Taylor. Drink your tea" she gestures

I slowly sit up and she hands me the white mug

I bring it close to my lips when I suddenly smell something strange. I glance into the tea but see nothing but the brown color

"What?" Ruby asks

"Nothing" I say and sip some of the warm liquid before setting it back onto the nightstand

She smiles

I smile back softly

"You look very lovely without make up on do you know that?"

" I did not. Thank you" I blush

"You're welcome"

It's silent when I notice her moving just a bit closer


"Taylor I want to tell you something" she looks down

"Oh. Ok"

She takes a deep breath "I love you"

My heart stops beating

"I've known you for a very long time. And I've never met anyone so kind, generous, loving..and beautiful, as you" she reaches out to push some hair out of my face

"Thank you but-"

She presses her finger to my lips "Please. Just let me" she leans in slightly

Suddenly, my mind shuts off. It's as if my brain stopped working and I'm caught up in a trance. My lips reach hers in a delicate kiss

She's quick to unbutton and discard my top. Actions like that lead to us being completely naked and doing things we shouldn't. Things I shouldn't. Things I would never do to anyone but Karlie. Things I would only let Karlie do to me.


Ohh what's going to happennn? I guess my schedule has changed to updating every weekend. I don't wanna do that but school is fucking with me. I miss my readers, comment will you? I don't care what it says. It can be what you just ate, watched, did, wrote, read, I don't care. It can literally just be dosndnsidnsls. I just want to hear from you guys. Have a great day/night! I love you. :)
- Rachel :)

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