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Mature Content

Karlie's pov:

Neglect. That's what I feel. Three days is what it's been since Taylor has returned home. She deflects my path and only talks when I ask her questions. I haven't asked her any questions about her disappearance but I don't know if I will. Now is just not the time. I can't help but feel like I'm the mom and she's the teenager that gets annoyed with everything I do.

I stand behind her and watch her cut up an apple that I just picked this morning. But I can tell she's struggling when she lets out a sigh of frustration and the knife is stuck in the core of the fruit "How about a better knife" I open a drawer to her left and bring out the utensil with sharp ridges on its edge. It obviously does the trick when I notice her shoulders relax and the red apple split into two pieces

"Thanks" she says softly

"Mhm" I mumble

There's no more sound coming out of our mouths as she silently cuts the fruit into multiple pieces

I cast a glance at Shadow who seems to be laying by Taylor's feet, acting as her bodyguard for now on "Taylor?"

"Hm?" She mumbles

"Are you mad at me?" I ask sadly

I notice her shoulders become tense and I begin to feel nervous that I may have only made things worse

"No" she answers softly

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask helplessly

"No Karlie" she stops her movements completely

"Then why are you acting like this?" I ask, my voice coming off a bit annoyed. I stay glued to the wooden flooring as I wait for her answer

I hear her take in a shaky breath "I don't know what you mean"

"Don't lie to me!" I yell as tears gather up in my eyes. I only want to feel loved by girlfriend that I've missed so much

"Please don't yell at me" she begs. That statement takes me back to the first night we met

"Then tell me why you're acting so different! I thought you wanted to come home! Was I wrong? Should I have left you beside the river?" I ask as tears make their way down my cheeks

"No!" She yells, stopping me from saying anything else. She turns around, mirroring me. She takes in another shaky breath and stares at her feet

"Please..just tell me what's wrong" I beg

She stays silent despite a small sniffle

"I want to help" I take a step towards her

She shakes her head

"You don't want my help?" I ask softly as I reach out to cup her face

She turns her head away from my touch and wipes her eyes with her hands

I touch her face again and force her to look into my eyes "Please don't push me away" I say softly

She finally brings her eyes to mine "But I have to"

"Why?" I push

She shakes her head again as her bottom lip quivers

"Please tell me" I beg

She continues to shake her head

I retract my hands away from her and can't help but let out a soft sob "Taylor I don't understand. I love you don't you love me?"

She shakes her head then lets out a sob. She faces the sink again, not being able to look at me any longer

"You don't love me?" I question sadly as I take a step forward..instead of a step back

She shakes her head "N-no" she cries

"You hate me" I state as I wrap one arm around her waist slowly "You don't want me anymore. Is that it?"

"Stop..please" she begs as she tries to rip my arm away from her body

But I only tighten my grip and wrap my other arm around her stomach "Then tell me you hate me"

She stares out of the window that is being beaten by the strong droplets of rain. She looks as if she's trying to ignore me

I snuggle my face into her neck and breathe in. I kiss her soft skin delicately "You feel nothing when I do this?" I ask

Her body somewhat relaxes in my grip

"Nothing?" I kiss up her neck to her cheek

I then feel her body relax completely. She turns in my arms revealing her blue eyes glistening with tears. One makes its way down her cheek I just kissed

I swipe it away with my thumb "I love you" I speak in a calm voice

She stares at me with a helpless look

I lean in to press my lips against hers

She pulls away after a second "..I love you too" she whispers against my lips

"Ya?" I ask with a faltering smile

She responds with an almost invisible smile..but it's there

Out of happiness I connect our lips once again and she follows along as she wraps her arms around my neck. I effortlessly lift her onto the counter and keep a grip on her so she doesn't slip into the sink

She seems hesitant to pull me closer but does so eventually

I'm quick to unbutton her jean shorts and slip my hand into her panties

She whimpers into my mouth when I rub her seemingly wet folds

I slip one of my fingers into her warmth making her gasp in pleasure. Oh how I've missed that beautiful sound.

She grips the back of my shirt strongly with one hand when I slip in another finger

I work her a bit faster as her soft breaths blow against my ear "Karlie" she tries to speak..but it only comes out as a moan

"Yes baby?" I ask as I kiss her sweet lips again

She grips my wrist to make me stop when I know she's close to her high

I pull away from her mouth and send her a look of confusion

She catches her breath "I-I can't" she pushes me away and I take a step back

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly "I'm sorry if-"

"No. You did nothing wrong" she cuts me off as she steps onto the ground slowly. She crosses her arms over her stomach letting me know she has become unconfident and closed up "It's what I did. I'm sorry Karlie" she looks up at me before heading to our bedroom and leaving me alone in the kitchen

The happiness was only temporary.


Greetings. Sad, pitiful chapter I know. But things may brighten up in the next chapter ;). How are you guys doing? Comment whatever you'd like will you? The start of another school week is tomorrow. Kill me. I honestly miss writing this story so much. I mean ya I update every weekend but it just doesn't feel like enough. And I don't even get to really think of new ideas for the story until the weekend. Everything just feels so rushed ya know? I feel like this story doesn't have much of a flow anymore. Oh geez I need to go to bed haha. But have a wonderful day/night you guys. And a wonderful school week as well. So long :)

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