The Woods (Epilogue).

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2 years later

Karlie's pov:

I miss her. I miss her so much. It's funny how she gave her all to me but I still feel like I'm missing a piece of her. I'm lonely in this bedroom as I have nothing to do. I'm back in my cabin with Bear by my side. He's in Taylor's spot. It has lost her smell well as her pillow. It's back to old times before she first came here. I do my old usual schedule with hunting and occasional trips to Cara's, which by the way was actually supposed to be destroyed by Taylor's dad. She told me before she gave me her blood. I remember it well. Her icy blue eyes shining bright as I felt her blood run through my veins. I didn't want her to help me but I could barely speak considering I was slowly losing my life.

"Mama!" Madison runs into the bedroom.

Did I tell you about her?

"It's time to get up I'm hungry" she jumps onto the bed

I immediately pull her down towards my body making her giggle "Well what would little Maddy like?" I tickle her when Bear licks her face

"Bear!" Her 'r' comes out like a 'w' 'making this moment cuter

"Cookies!" She says

"Cookies?! For breakfast?!" I tickle her again

"Mama stop!" She screams while giggling again

After one more minute of hearing her giggles I stop

"Just this once.." I get up from my warm spot as she hops down and follows "Since it's a special day.."

"My birthday!" She jumps in the air

"Do you wanna help angel-I mean princess?" I catch myself a little late

She giggles "I'm princess mama" she crawls onto a chair and sits patiently. Bear sits next to her in a chair also "Silly Bear you're not supposed to sit at the table!" She laughs while poking him

He just licks her finger making me smile

"Do you want to get out the milk princess?" I grab a large bowl, chocolate chips, and a mixer

She opens the fridge and brings out the carton "I got it"

I grab it from her little hands "Thank you"

She smiles before skipping back to her spot at the table. She watches me silently for a couple of minutes before speaking up "What are we going to do today?" She asks

"Anything you want. It's your birthday after all. We can go fishing, walking, go see Cara, play with Bear, go to the Mountains, anything" I list everything that she enjoys

"When is mommy going to be home?" She asks

I feel my mood drop but mask it "I'm hoping today"

"Yay!" She cheers happily

After putting all of the ingredients together I set the large bowl in front of her "Wanna mix it?" I smile hopefully

She nods furiously before grabbing the whisk from my hand

I watch her as she tries her best while biting her lip, something Taylor always did.

"Am I done?" She asks

I glance in the bowl before chuckling "Not quite"

She sighs "I'm too young for this" she pushes it away

I laugh "Too young?!"

She nods

"So does that mean I'm old?" I gasp

The Woods {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now