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Karlie's pov:

After Taylor explained everything I felt much more calm. She explained her relationship with Colton and I think the connection between them is rather adorable. I'm glad she didn't bring him here to our home though, I can't help but want Taylor all to myself.

"Babe?" Her angelic voice grabs my attention

"Hm?" I look down at her as her head lays in my lap

"Uhm..can you make me some hot chocolate?" She asks shyly

I laugh "Of course I can" I wait for her to move to fetch her request

Today has been very calm considering Taylor was up almost all night, and has wanted to do nothing but lay around and sleep. But I'm ok with it because she seems to be sticking to my side. I'm not sure if it's because she feels guilty for not waking me up or if it's just the storm outside. Maybe it's both.

After a few minutes, the warm mug is in my hands and I'm making my way to Taylor. I almost trip over Shadow as he takes his usual spot next to my girlfriend. He has grown to love her more than me but I don't blame him. Bear seems to be sticking with me though, but he is protective of her nonetheless

"Thank you" she sits up and takes the red mug from my long fingers into her shorter ones

"Sure thing" I smile and sit across from her on the floor

Bear immediately sits next to me wanting to be pet and I grant his wish

"So when are you planning on visiting Colton?" I ask curiously with a smile

"Couple of days I guess" she shrugs then yawns

"You should go lay in bed" I suggest

"Why?" She sips more of her warm drink

"Because it's the best place to sleep duh"

She smiles softly "I will after I take a shower and finish this wonderful hot chocolate"

I raise a brow "A shower? You're going to actually stand up for 15 minutes?" I ask

"Ya is that hard to believe?"

"Yes. You haven't slept in at least 12 hours" I state

"I slept until 2 am" she defends

"You feel asleep at like 12. I don't even know how you're functioning right now" I cross my arms

"Honestly, I don't know either. But might as well just embrace it. I'm going to take a shower now" she sets her half empty mug onto the coffee table and heads to our bathroom

I sigh and stare at the red mug. I remember my grandpa saying it was my grandmas favorite one. She used it every morning. I smile softly and grab the cup. I shrug and drink the rest of it.


"Taylor" I knock on the bathroom door. She's been in there for a long time, surely the water is cold by now

"Taylor?" I repeat when no answer is heard

I twist the doorknob and come to surprise when it's not locked. I open the curtain to see her sitting on the floor of the shower, her back resting against the wall. I laugh as I realize she fell asleep. I turn off the cold water then shake the blonde's body "Babe wake up"

She moans disapprovingly

I roll my eyes and lift her wet body out of the shower. I lay her down on our bed, not caring that the sheets will get wet. I rush to grab a towel "Taylor I need you to stand up"

"No" she whines and cuddles into the sheets more

"I'm serious" I state with my hands on my hips "You at least need to put underwear on"

She sighs and slowly stands up

I head to my dresser then hand her the light blue panties

She slips them on slowly, almost losing her balance. She then falls back into her spot and I pull the covers over her half clothed body

I kiss her cheek and stroke her hair as I sit on the edge of the bed. I notice sunlight shining through the blinds and decide to shut them.

"Sleep well angel." I shut the door softly on my way out


Extremely short I know. But I wanted to give you something. I'm just trying to figure out the outline I want for the next climax. Hope you still enjoyed it! Love you guys! :) Have a great day/night!
- Rachel :)

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