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Karlie's pov:

She comes out of the bathroom freshly showered and only in a towel. I watch her silently as she dresses herself in a tshirt and shorts. She squeezes the last droplets of water from her wavy hair with the towel that was once around her body. When she crawls into bed I'm met with her back. She doesn't say anything at all as she turns off her lamp and pulls the covers over her body. It feels as if she isn't here. I let out a quiet sigh before turning off my own lamp and snuggling into the covers, despite my deep longing towards Taylor instead. But she probably doesn't feel the same. At that, I put my back against hers, trying to ignore the pang in my heart.


I wake up only a couple of hours later to a loud sound of thunder. I'm quick to glance to Taylor's side to check up on her, but realize her spot is empty. I sit up just when there's a flash of lightning "Taylor" I call into the dark room, hoping she's maybe just changing her shorts if she got cold. But when I'm met with silence I know she's not with me. I rip the covers off of my body as I leave the bedroom in search for her. Thunder booms loudly and shakes the cabin as I make my way through it. There better not be any tornadoes, it sadly doesn't seem like a long shot right now. Bear hops up when he sees me. That's when I realize Shadow isn't beside him. She better not have run off again and taken Shadow with her. I eventually find my way back into the bedroom in hopes of finding her somewhere. I think long and hard as the thunderstorm rages in the background. I think of any place I have not been. Then I think of my supply closet, maybe she went in there. I grab the key hidden in a kitchen drawer and open up the creaky door. My heart jumps in excitement as I have high hopes that she's in here. But when I look, she's not. I begin to feel very distraught in both sadness and anger. I consider just going back to bed and hoping she'll turn up in the morning. But my heart doesn't let the search up. And that's when I think of it. The closet. That's where I would go if I felt unsafe, not counting Taylor's arms. I swing the door open to reveal the woman I've been looking for and Shadow snuggled up against her. She looks up at me with tears and fear in her eyes "Taylor" I breathe "I almost thought you were gone again" I bend down to wrap my arms around her

She scoots away from the wall she was resting her back against and instead scoots closer to me. The corner of this closet gives us limited space, especially me, making us only have the ability to have our knees forced to our chests. Yet, she still leans up against me with tears flowing down her cheeks

"Taylor what happened? Why are you in here?" I ask both curiously and concernedly

"I-I wanted-" she lets out a sob making Shadow continuously lick her hand. She places her hand on his head to calm him down

"You wanted what?" I push as I run my hand through her hair soothingly

"To be s-somewhere safe" she cries against my chest

I feel half of my heart break. I don't know what hurts worse. The fact that my girlfriend is scared out of her mind from a storm, or the fact that she didn't wake me up to comfort her and help her feel safe. I let her cry against my chest until my long legs begin to ache and lose feeling in them

"Lets go to bed" I suggest softly "The storm has calmed down a bit" I encourage with a soft smile as I look into her icey eyes. I can't really see them in this darkness but I can imagine them in my head. I have everything about her memorized and engraved inside my head

She nods as she lets out a sniffle making me think of how adorable she is

"Sorry I'm such a baby" She sniffles as she crawls back onto our bed where she once was gone

"Don't say that. You simply have a fear just like everyone else. I'm scared of ostriches" I state as I pull the covers over us both

"Ostriches?" She asks strangely

I wish I could see her face "Yes. They're scary. When I was younger-"

A quick flash of lightning causes her to squeal and move her body closer to mine

I smile "We went to the zoo-"

I'm once again cut off, but this time by roaring thunder that shakes the ground

She buries herself into my body and chest motivating me to wrap my arms around her protectively

"Never mind" I say softly and kiss her head

She grips my shirt "I'm sorry Karlie" she cries softly

"Would you stop saying that?" I ask coming off a bit annoyed "You didn't do anything wrong angel"

"No but I did" she pulls away. She lets out a sob "Karlie" she whimpers

"Taylor you're scaring me" I admit as I stare at the gleam in her eyes

She looks down, not being able to look at me anymore "I love you Karlie. I really, really do" she cries desperately

"I know but Taylor..what did you do?" I push with fear and worry in the pit of my stomach

She only cries making me reach out to touch her face and force her to look into my eyes

"Just tell me" I say with my brows furrowed intently

"I-" she breathes in and lets out a shaky breath "I slept with someone else."


All I could do for now. I am so behind everything lol sorry. How do you think Karlie will react? Kaylor never dies. Dudes I have a math test today and I am not at all prepared. But I have to get a good grade. Fuck me. Enjoy your day/night! I love you guys so much! I apologize for the delay. Tootles!

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