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Taylor's pov:

I wipe my eyes as I watch out the window. We aren't out of the woods yet so all that I see are trees. I'm going home. And I don't care if the guys on both sides of me sees me cry as all I can think of is Karlie. I wanted Karlie to come with me if if was ever to go home again. But really, I'm always at home when I'm with her. Me and Karlie, in her cabin in these woods is my home. I just wish I could explain that to my dad.

"Don't cry Taylor be happy. You're finally going home surely you've missed it" He says from the passenger seat not caring to look at me

"No. I have not" I state truthfully. There is no doubt that I have thought about it. But I have not missed that camp. It's composed of several buildings, my original home not included. But I'm sure he visits there time to time. My dad is the CEO of Swift Enterprise so his main headquarters is his building. Hotels surround his business so that's where most of his people stay. Others stay at the building whether it be protecting him or conspiring plans or ideas. I usually stay at the building with my dad considering he doesn't let me go off alone, even with guards following. There are plenty of other groups and clans that occupy the City as well that are quite dangerous.

"Well..that's sad to hear" he sighs

"Well I was happy where I was" I say beginning to feel a bit annoyed. I didn't choose to go

"I wouldn't worsen matters between us Taylor Alison. You already ran away shouldn't sass me" He says seriously

I scoff "Yes you're right because you'll ground me from hanging out with my friends and keep me locked up in my room. You'll say I can only go to school, school activities and home" my voice is laced with sarcasm

He stays silent

"Oh wait"

The guy next to me chuckles

Dad glares at me as I am in the middle back seat "Taylor that is enough! I hope you know that locking you up in your room is still a possibility"

"I'm 24" I protest "Dads don't lock their adult daughters in their rooms"

"I'm not like most dads"

"Ya I know" I look back out the window, turning my attention away from him. I hear him sigh before he turns quiet, facing the front once again

I feel a sudden burning in my chest but try my best to ignore it. Except it seems to only worsen by the second "Dad"

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now Taylor" He waves me off

I wince as I grip my chest "Dad" I repeat


I let out a sound showing my pain "Daddy" I gasp

The name makes him turn around and his eyes go wide

My eyes are tearing up as I bend over in pain still gripping my chest. My heart feels like it's about to burn into ashes

"What's happening?" He asks quickly as I hear him open a compartment

"Heart.." I take a breath "Is burning" I wince again. I hear him rummaging through things that sound like multiple bottles of pills. I look up slightly to confirm my thoughts

He quickly shuts the front compartment "Take these" he hands me a bottle of water

Without question I do as he says desperately wanting the pain to go away. Eventually, it does subside after I drink the rest of the bottle. I take in a few big breaths to compose myself before handing him the empty bottle

"Are you okay now?" He asks with concern

I stay silent before nodding. At least I know he still cares

"Good" he faces the front again

Well he cares a little bit "What's wrong with me?" I ask "I know you know"

He sighs again "Look darling not right-"

"Don't call me that" I interrupt. Only mom does.

"I can't tell you right now. When we get back home-"

"No! Your home is not my home! My home is at the cabin with Karlie. The house in the City will always be my original and childhood home. But my new home..the one that I want to stay in forever is with Karlie-"

"Stop!" He scolds "First of all, if you keep getting fired up your symptoms will act up again. Second, I'm not going to tell you what's wrong until it's the right time. And third, Karlie and her damn cabin is not your home! Get that out of your mind! A home is a place where a husband and wife live, where they create their own kids and raise them there-"

I groan in annoyance "You need to understand that that is your idea of home. That's your scenario. But mine is different! Why can't you just understand?! All that should matter to you is that I love Karlie and she loves me! Why don't you accept that?" I hadn't noticed that a tear was running down my left cheek

He stays silent for a second as he faces the front again "Because that's not how it works. End of discussion."

"Nothing works in your mind" I mutter to myself as I fall back against my seat

"We've arrived at the City sir."


This chapter is mainly for insight, just to tell and show you the relationship between Tay and Scott. Plus, it's been a while since it's been Taylor's point of view. I think it's one of my favorites. Once again, what do you think is wrong with Taylor? I hope you guys are having a wonderful week! If not, then I honestly hope that it will get better. Push through. Have a great day/night! I love you!
-Rachel :)

"You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are." ~ Melissa Etheridge

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