Whispering Willows.

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I didn't really read over this so..yeah

Taylor's pov:

I know I'm close. The Cliffs are very near. Which means home is only an hour away. My heartbeat and mind still haven't calmed themselves because of my over excitement of finally seeing Karlie. It feels like I've been away from her for weeks. Yet I also feel like I've lost a long time friend. I know me and Ruby will never get along again. I suddenly feel a random breeze, sending chills down my spine.

'Taylor' I hear a woman's voice

I turn around but see no one

'Taylor' I hear the voice again

I once again glance around but see nothing but weeping willow trees "Who are you?" I ask confusedly

'Oh Taylor, you shouldn't have left'

I stand in confusion

'Don't you know what you've done?'


'You don't remember? Allow me to remind you'

"I'd rather you not" I stare at all of the trees surrounding me, sending me in a repetitive circle

'Oh but you have no choice. Now who was that little blonde boy you used to know?'


'You know that little sweet boy that wouldn't dare hurt anything. He would copy you at everything, hoping he could be just as good as you'

I swallow

'Do you still not recall? Remember that day..the temperature was just right, leaves were falling, it was a few days before his birthday'

"Please stop" I swallow again

'But it's just starting to get good. He wanted to go on a bike ride with you. But you knew he was going to get his own blue bike when he turned 6, so you denied him'

I look down as I feel heat rush to my cheeks

'But he begged and begged you. So you finally gave in. You drove him around the neighborhood, keeping it safe. But then he asked to go to the hill. You knew that wasn't a smart idea, but you went anyways Taylor. You even let him ride your bike by himself'

"He said he knew how to" I say softly

'But he was only 5 years old. You watched from the top of that hill. You saw that car coming but said nothing'

My bottom lip quivers as tears gather in my eyes. That memory is something I can see so clearly. "Stop!" I yell desperately as I cover my ears with my hands "I didn't mean for it to happen!" I cry

'You watched your little brother lose his life. You knew you shouldn't have let him ride by himself. You knew you shouldn't have even taken him to the hill in the first place. He died. All because of you Taylor.'

"Leave me alone!" I run through the trees as fast as I can, trying to run away from the voice "It wasn't my fault! "I didn't mean to kill him! I-it was an accident" My voice shakes

'But I'm not done yet. Not only did you kill your brother Austin. Now Karlie is it?'

"Don't!" I growl

'But she's so kind and beautiful. She loved you didn't she? And you loved her too?'

"I said stop!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I stand motionless

'She loved you everyday. And you threw it all away. You ran out of fear and left your girlfriend behind. She was left with nothing. Just how it all started'

I place my hands on my head as an intense migraine ruptures through my brain

'You went out and slept with another woman. You cheated on the woman that loved you with all of her heart'

"It wasn't like that!" I yell as tears stream down my face

The voice laughs 'Oh but it was Taylor. She's not going to forgive you'

"You don't know that"

'Yes I do. She's not going to forgive you. Your dad will never forgive you for murdering his only son. And Ruby will never forgive you either'

"None of it is my fault! Get out of my head!" I yell, my veins popping from my neck. My ears are bleeding, tears run down my face

'But it is Taylor. Everything is your fault. Soon a war will take place in your name. Many of your friends will die. And you're the only one to blame'

"No!" I yell through tears

'End all of the pain Taylor. It's so simple. Don't make the wrong choice again. This time..make the right one'

Once again, my body is sent into a trance. I step closer to the edge of the cliff. I don't look down

'Just one more step. And all of the pain will disappear.' The voice encourages

"But what about Colton?" I ask softly

'He doesn't need you Taylor. You know that. No one needs you. You only cause tragedies.'

I wipe my tears and sniffle. I'm vulnerable. I'm weak. The voice has successfully won over my mind.


Karlie's pov:

"Shadow!" I call after him as he still runs powerfully through the woods. I'm struggling to keep up my pace as he only seems to get faster. Bear follows behind me, making sure I don't get left behind. I notice that we're approaching the Cliffs, making me slow down and almost lose the sight of Shadow. I have to be careful, I don't have the same agility as him. He then slows down letting me catch up. In the distance I make out a form. A form of a human. I gasp when I finally make out who it is "Taylor!" I yell loudly

But she somehow doesn't hear me

She blankly stares at the view in front of her

What is she doing?

As Shadow darts for her I realize something. My dream. This is just like my dream. "Taylor!" I yell again in hopes of her hearing, but it's too late. I wish my eyes were deceiving me but they aren't.

Just like my dream..she's falling. And I can't save her.


Well. I am never going to write a chapter at this time of night ever again. I feel like it brings out my weird side. Thanks for the responses on the ¿Question? chapter. If you still haven't responded, I'd like for you to. Vote and comment! Have a great day/night! I love youuu!! <3
(P.S I'm sort of hoping you piece together the willow trees and a certain girl 🙊)

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