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Taylor's pov:

Memories. A kaleidoscope of memories flash through my mind. Ones containing Austin, Colton, Ruby, Mom, Dad. Some are when I'm young and some are at my current age. Then she comes. Karlie..and all of our good memories. She grabs my hand and pulls me in. She kisses my lips delicately and passionately.

"I love you" she says

I feel the ghost of her lips one last time before it's wiped away when water engulfs my body. I feel weightless as I begin to lose myself.


I wake up in a unrecognizable place. I breathe heavily as I sit up abruptly. I'm sitting on a bed with white sheets, and wearing a gown that matches. My feet touch the cold, white tiled floor, as I stand upright. I gasp at the pictures that line themselves along the white walls. They're pictures of me from a baby, to who I am now. I touch the last one gently, placing my fingers over Karlie. She's smiling as I look like I'm laughing. I remember that day. She had attempted at making a joke, but she messed up too much to where it didn't make any sense. She was embarrassed but I found it funny. But where did this come from? How did it get here? Where am I?

"That one is one of my favorites"

I gasp as I snap my head to my left. I draw my hand away from the smooth material

"You look happy" she smiles

"Mom?" I clarify

She smiles even wider as her eyes become glossy "I've missed you darling"

I immediately run into her arms "I've missed you too mama" I breathe in her comforting scent that I've also missed "I love you"

"I love you too baby" she holds my face after I pull away "You're so beautiful"

I smile "Thank you"

She wipes the tears that run down my face

"Where am I?" I ask

"Let's just call it..the waiting room"

"Am I dead?" I ask

She shakes her head "No darling. You just blacked out" she says bluntly "You are not going to die" she assures

Thank goodness.

"Karlie is very pretty by the way" Mom says, changing the subject "She's a keeper" she smiles

I smile proudly "She is. And she's so wonderful I wish you could meet her"

"Me too darling me too. But I know she's a very nice girl. I know that she makes you happy. And I know that you make her happy as well. She loves you. You haven't screwed things up you know? I've been watching"

" have?" I begin to blush as dirty thoughts cross my mind

"Oh stop that!" She slaps my shoulder

"Ow!" I rub my shoulder

"I know what you were thinking. Kids and their minds" she rolls her eyes

I laugh "You have no idea how much I've missed you" I repeat and hug her once again

She laughs along "You too darling"

She pulls away too soon "I need to tell you a few things before I go" she leads me to the bed and we sit down

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I ask curiously with my eyebrows furrowed

"In a little while you will go back down to earth and I will go back to Heaven. The angels are only letting me see you for a short time. But don't worry I will be watching over you" she touches my cheek enlightening a certain spark inside of me at my mothers touch that I've so deeply missed

"But I don't want you to go" I say sadly as if I am 10 again

"I know honey but it's going to be alright. I promise"

I stare at her with sad eyes

"Now listen" she says seriously

A sudden rumbling is heard, it shakes the room

"What was that?" I ask as I begin to feel nervous. I look around in hopes of finding an answer

She grabs my hands with hers making me focus my attention back on her "We're running out of time. Taylor, your father is coming" she stares into my eyes

"What?" I ask softly

"You have to hide and take Karlie with you" she says quickly "Do not let him find you and especially Karlie. He is furious. You have to be careful darling. You must not let him find you"


It shakes again "I have to go" She stands up and heads to the door as the entire room shakes again "Trust me Taylor. He is bringing his army. He wants you." she opens the door

I close it shut before she can leave "I don't understand!"

"Taylor you are special. You are very special. Your father wants you and he will kill anyone who is in his way" she looks me dead in the eyes

"You mean..he did kill you?" I ask

She sighs "Taylor we don't have time for this"

"Wait. Did he kill Austin too?" I ask

"You aren't supposed to know this. This is beyond my privileges. If I tell you I could never see you again" she says

"Mommy please don't go" I beg as my eyes tear up again "I don't want you to leave. I want you with me" I beg again like I'm a child

She shakes her head "I know. I do too. I miss my daughter" she caresses my cheek

I place my hand on hers and hold it there

"I love you. You are special Taylor and don't forget that. And Taylor"

I look up to meet her eyes

"I am proud of you" she says seriously

I nod

She kisses my forehead and then my cheek before leaving the room

"Wait!" I call as she walks down the hallway, I watch her through a small window on the door

The room shakes so violently that I collapse to the ground

"Why am I so special?!" I yell, voicing my thoughts

The roof of the room breaks away, revealing a blue sky

"Mama!" I yell "Don't leave me!"

She gives me one last look before turning a corner, and disappearing

"Mama!" I scream

The ground cracks beneath my feet and I gasp as I step backwards. The pictures on the walls fall onto the floor and shatter. And that's when the ground beneath my feet breaks completely, making me drop. I'm falling.


I breathe in harshly as I wake up laying on the ground beside the river. I cough violently, forcing water out of my lungs

"Taylor" Karlie says frantically

My coughing subsides and I finally gain my breath "H-he's coming" I stutter

"What? Taylor who's coming?" She asks hurriedly as she pushes wet strands of hair out my face

"My dad. He's coming."


Greetings my fellow readers. I hope you are all having a swell day or night. I have missed you all dearly, as we only ever have the privilege to meet on the short weekends. Leave a comment will you? Or I suppose you could vote? You shall do whatever you feel. (Hopefully it's both.) Very well then. I love you all. Until next time..
(P.S This is the most formal authors note I've ever written. Tootles yo)

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