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Taylor's pov:

"Here's the key" Dad drops it in my hand "Come down to my office after you're settled" He turns away from me with no care at all as a couple of guards follow after him


"Nothing has changed Taylor!" He calls before turning the corner

I stare at the old door of my room that I've stayed in ever since I've been here. He said he had it made when he first built this building, but I never asked why. I just said thank you and went along with it. The brown door makes the same creaking sound when it opens. I pull the key out of the lock and place it in the pocket of Karlie's sweatpants. I should probably change if I'm not going to see her for a while. At that, I head to my double-door closet that contains all the clothes a girl could ever want. But right now, it's nothing to me. I sigh as I look to the bed where Karlie's clothes are now laying. I decide to hang them up, but in the back..I have a feeling I'll be here for a while.

I venture around my room before I get bored. There has never been anything to do here. I'm constantly surrounded by men as I noticed when I came in that women and children have significantly decreased. There is a daycare here I can go check there for something to do. Besides, I spent most of my time there anyways.


I'm hesitant to enter the old daycare but I honestly don't know why. Maybe I'm scared that it's been turned into some kind of lab or office. When I enter the room I'm half disappointed to see only a handful of kids with only three women watching but then happy to at least see other people besides soldiers and my dad.

"Taylor is that you?" I hear an old woman's voice

I look to my left to see Debra, an old friend that has known me since I was little. She looks as if she's about to cry when she sets down a little boy who then runs off

"Debra" I smile as I meet her to give her a hug

"My goodness I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. This place hasn't been very lively since you.." she pauses "left" she replaces her frown with a smile but I can tell it's not real

I was always good with the kids when I came here which was everyday. The kids needed a distraction from the chaos happening outside. Sometimes I'd sing to them and sometimes I'd simply play games with them when they asked me to.

"It's great to see you again Debra" I smile at the 70 year old woman

"Excuse me" a little girl who looks to be 5 pokes my arm

I bend down "Hi there"

"Have you seen my mommy?" She asks

I furrow my brows

"Go on and play honey" Debra interrupts

"No wait" I grab the little girls arm to turn her back around "What do you mean?" I ask

"She was taken by a guard. Have you seen her?" She asks

I shake my head "I'm afraid not"

"Oh. I love her" she looks down

I understand. "I lost someone I love too" I say sadly

She gasps "You did?"

I nod "It'll be okay I promise" I smile

She smiles before turning away

I stand up to my full height

Debra gives me a weird look

"I gotta go" me and my white sneakers make their way to the elevator. My dads office is on the second to last floor

"Hold the elevator!" I hear someone yell

I hurriedly click the button with separating arrows making the doors open

A man makes it in "Thanks" he smiles at me

I recognize him as Kingsley. But I don't really feel like talking to him right now

"You're going to your dads office it looks like. Me too" he states

I continue to stare at the silver doors until a ding is heard and they slide open

I march to his office as it's being guarded, it always is

They immediately recognize me and let me in. The glass doors shut behind me

"Ah Taylor you made it. How do you feel?" He asks

"Considering it's been a few hours still not well" I clench my jaw

"Well once you get back into the swing of things it won't be so bad. The reason I wanted you to come here was because I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to a meeting" he folds his arms as he leans against his large, brown desk

"No" I don't want to go anywhere unless I know Karlie is there.

"Oh I'm sorry I messed up on my wording there. I'm not asking I'm telling. Tomorrow at 7 we're leaving"

I grow angry "Why do you think that you get to control me when I come back? You think that everything is going to go back to normal?! It's not dad! You are the reason that I ran away do you realize that? It's your fault that I ran away. It's your fault that the Nakoons still target me! It's your fault that mom's dead! Everything is-"

"Shut your mouth young lady!" He scolds firmly "Everything is going to go back to normal because everything in your past is going to disappear!"

"What?" I ask

He makes his way to a table that's covered with a blanket. He pulls its off and I gasp

"I know of all the places you've gone since you left. Some people you trust aren't really trustworthy" he laughs "Everywhere that you've gone will be destroyed. Then that way you have nothing to worry about" he smiles "Simple as that"

"The Nakoons?" I whisper, not seeing them on the map

"They'll take a while. But after it's all done you can finally move on. We can finally move on. It's only a matter of time.

I stare at the model. Cara's camp and the cabin are the two most important places on that model. And he's going to get rid of them. And I can't stop him.

I storm out of the room, pushing past Kingsley on the way

"Taylor!" I hear dad's voice but don't listen.

I've always hated my dad but this is too far.

I'm glad the elevator is empty as I can't hold in my tears much longer. I wish there was a way to stop everything. I want everything to just stop so I can think. When I make it to my room I freeze in my spot. There are guards outside of my door. I slowly approach them with tears in my eyes "Why-"

"We were ordered here by your dad. Looks like he doesn't want you running off again" one of them chuckles

"Let me in" I command

They step away and I slam the door behind me. I immediately head to my closet to grab Karlie's clothes. I hold them against me as I smell them for comfort. Her smell is obviously fading and won't last much longer. I'll never be able to see her again. When my dad takes everything away that means Karlie too. With guards outside my door I can't leave, I don't even have any windows. Was this his plan all along? To destroy every place besides his?

Tears runs down my cheeks until I fall asleep, clutching her clothes, while laying on my bed.


Time to get back into this book. Thank you for sticking around!
-Rachel :)

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