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Taylor's pov:

I watch Ruby bend down onto her knees and pat the soil down with a small shovel

"So when will it start growing?" I ask curiously as I watch her pour some water out of a silver can onto the dry dirt

"Well, it depends on the weather. It takes a weeping willow about 15 years to reach its full growth" she stands up with a sigh "Would you like to plant one?" She gives me a smirk

"No I would probably mess it up somehow" I state honestly. I'm not confident with myself in the gardening category

"Are you kidding? It's so simple. I remember you being very smart in high school. Gardening is surely not a challenge for you" she stares at me

I roll my eyes as I stay silent

"Can I ask you something?" She asks as she squints her eyes in the bright sun. Sweat glistens on her skin

"I guess" I respond half heartedly

"Why did you leave Karlie? She looked so nice in that picture I found. And it sounds like she treats you well"

"I already told you everything. She can't love me after everything I've done"

"You know..you keep saying that, but what is it that's so bad? That makes you want to run away?" She wipes her arm under her nose, probably trying to rid of sweat

"A war Ruby how many times do I have to say it? We've been through this and I really don't want to go through it again" I say seriously before heading inside where it's much cooler.


Karlie's pov:

"Taylor!" I yell again, making birds chirp louder and squirrels to run and hide

Shadow whimpers at me

"I'm desperate don't judge"

He licks my hand then continues his slow trotting

"Damn I wish we had cellphones. If we lived in the City we would" I sigh. The last time I was there, was when I was 18. I'm not really sure what it looks like now. I've heard it's deserted. But then again I've also heard there's multiple people living there. So I'm not sure what's in the city. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. My home is probably still there. All worn down and infested with all types of bugs and small animals. Or it could be occupied by a nice family with a few kids. Hell I'm not sure. But I know I'll find out someday. But not today that's for sure

"Oi! You could've fucking killed me!" I hear a man's voice yell out. But it seems to sound familiar. I glance around but see nothing

"I didn't mean to press the button!" An Irish voice says "Calm down. Let's just go back home"

I immediately recognize it as Niall. Right when I turn past a tree, in attempt of following the voices, I almost run into Harry's chest causing me to yelp in surprise

"Wow. Karlie? What are you doing out here?" Niall asks calmly as his eyes brighten with curiosity

I back away to give us all space "I'm looking for Taylor have either of you seen her?" I immediately ask, desperate to find the tall blonde

"No I have-"

"Niall you can go back. I'm going to show Karlie something" Harry says, cutting the Irish boy off

I furrow my brows at his choice of action but he just stares at me with soft eyes and a smile

"Alright" Niall says as if he doesn't have a care in the world "I'm hungry anyways. Watch out for traps" he winks before leaving me with Harry

"Traps?" I question

"Traps and land mines. We have to do something to wear down the Nakoons" He bends down to pet Bear on his head, which he approves happily with a wag of his tail

I smile softly

"But don't worry, they're remotely activated" he stands back up to his full height, not quite reaching my forehead "Niall almost exploded me" he sighs with a shake of his head

"Oh. So Taylor, have you seen her?" I ask again

"How long have you been looking for her?" He asks

"This is only my second day" I explain as we stand still by the tree that blocked my view just a moment ago

"I saw her yesterday. She was on her way to the Cliffs"

"Thank you" I begin to walk away when he grabs my arm and pulls me back "What are you doing?" I ask as I feel frustrated when he still hasn't lost his grip on my arm

"Go home" He orders with a stern look into my eyes

"What?" I laugh "Fuck that I'm not going home"

"She doesn't want to be found Karlie"

I scoff "Like you would know"

He raises a brow

"You only dated once"

"Once but for a long time. You're in the same situation. She used to do this even when we were dating. If we fought or something, or she was nervous about something, she'd run away. She's a runner. She just needs some time away"

"But anything could happen to her" I say nervously and fearfully

"She'll be ok. She knows it well out here. She's used to this type of thing. She will come back. Just go home"

I stare into his eyes with sadness "But I miss her. I want to find her" I yank my arm away from his grip and step forwards

But only to be grabbed again. This time, Bear doesn't hesitate to bare his teeth "Karlie don't. She'll come back I promise. Go home."


Hello! I've missed you guys! Think she'll go home? I'm angry because I haven't finished this book yet and school has started. That wasn't my goal :P. I truthfully think this will be a long book. It's funny how I had this entire thing planned out and it ended up completely changing. Anyways, I hope you guys are doing ok! Have a great day/night ok? I love you guys so much!
P.S- Thank you for all the reads :)

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