Chapter 3

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    "" I ask all confused. Then I remember that for each room there was a second for in case we needed to escape. She just smirks at me in pride. She pull her hand out that had a plate full of MY FAVORITE COOKIES!! In an instant I grab them from her and ate like a pig. Man these are the best like always Zane's baking is the best. After the last bite of the cookies I look to see where (y/n) is and she is right in front of me eyes closed. The last time I remember talking to (y/n) was about her making a cover of songs people from music stations want her to do since she has an amazing voice. I could hear her humming Flashlight from Jessie J which was one of her favorite songs. I lean a bit closer to hear her singing a little. She open her eyes and had eye contact with me.

(A/n: Just go with the song and of you haven't heart the song before you should.)

    "Whats wrong with know you aren't alone in the world...Kai...everyone is here for you. Our brothers, your sister, Sensei and I are there for you. I can't stand it when you lock yourself in your room" she said fully wake now. I considered her like another sister since she always takes care of me.

    I felt a sting in my eyes coming out. I don't want to cry in front of (y/n). But in the end I was sobbing...

    Kai was crying in front of me. He never cries and if he does he hides it all inside. I was sad that he was crying but happy at the same time, because he never cries in front of anyone. If he is crying in front of me then that means he trust me more than anyone. But probably less than his owed own blood related sister.

    "I know we broke up but I still in love with her. She was my everything, my life. And now I feel like I lost my reason to live...(y/n) what should I do" Kai said now sobbing. I hug him to try to calm him down and he hugs me back. He tighten his grip on me and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

     "Kai I know you are sad about all of this need to move on. You can't live like this forever. The team needs you...I need you. One day I know you will forget about her and maybe find someone who is better" I said stroking Kai's flattened hair.

     "Thank you (y/n). I know you all care about me so for you guys I will try. Thans you are always there for me. You're like another sister to me" Kai said calming down. He kept tightening his hug until I was about to be squished to death.

     "'re...killing...m-me" I stuttered. He immediately let's go of me and takes a closer look at me to see I'm ok. Kai was a few inches away from my face. I want to blush but hide them inside.

     "Sorry about that (n/n)...I was a bit too happy that I almost squeezed you to death" Kai said scratching the back of his head. I laugh bit and stand up to walk to the door. 

    As I was about to leave I said " you need to get out more the team wants to see you more often." I smiled at him and left.

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