Chapter 6

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I look around to see me in my room and waking up to see I fell asleep from playing video games. As I was about to touch the floor I felt something stir from below me. Looking at the floor to find a snuggled up (y/n) sound asleep, slightly snoring but it was still so cute. I got out of bed and sat next to (y/n) in her sleeping form as I stroke her beautiful (h/c) hair out of her face she open her eyes for me to see her lovely (e/c) looking at me. (y/n) turns to snuggle up onto my chest which made me blush.

   "Hey babe how are you doing? You fell asleep as soon as you touch the bed. I tried to get on the bed but you kept pushing me off so I just stayed on the floor" (y/n) said smiling up at me. 

   "Oh nothing hun, I'm just so tired so I fell asleep. I'm so sorry and I'm sorry for pushing you off" I said . (y/n) sat up and got closer to face...she was going to kiss me. As I got closer to kiss her the whole place change and now I'm in the park in the afternoon. How the hell did this happen? In the distance I saw a women that look so familiar to see it really was (y/n). I start running all the way up to her when I saw some guy with her and they KISSED. I stop in my tracks to watch (y/n) making out with a guy I didn't know. 

   Just watching them broke my heart. I look closer to see it was the guy from the mall she was kissing...So they were together. I look onto my phone to see it was already 10 years since that day so that would mean in that period of time I was actually with (y/n) but something happen for me to break up.

   "Hey are you okay? You've been spacing out hothead" (y/n) said who was next to me. I look around to see her with the guy but he was talking with another guy, probably his brother.

   "Say (y/n) how did we break up" I said looking at (y/n) who got pissed and click her tongue in frustration. Did something happen to make her this mad? She looks at me straight in the eye and soften her gaze.

   "If you don't even remember than that's your fault but...I'll still tell you. Kai you were the one to brake us up because you cheated on me, with Skylor. I got you a present for our third anniversary to find you kissing and making out with her. She was my best friend told me you wanted her than me so I let you be free. You told me horrible things like who would be stupid enough to date me and some other shit like that" (y/n) said wiping away the visible tear. I ask her if we are still friends and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "I'm sorry Kai but we aren't friends...I still treat you like one but you aren't. But with my boyfriend you guys are bros and I don't want to ruin that so I act like it was all in the past."

   "Hey babe, come on we have a flight to catch" (r/b/n) shouted to (y/n). She told me she was going to America and might not come back...and that was the last time I saw her...


   I fell onto the floor the make a rucks with my other brothers. They all ask if I was ok which I told them I was fine. Even Nya and (y/n) came rushing in asking if I was ok. I look at the worried (h/c) haired girl and grab her into a hug which shock everyone at my actions. Thank god she was okay, that I didn't break her heart or cheat on her so she left me. I need to get it straight into my head.... I'm in love with (y/n) and I need to tell her how I feel and to have her as my own. I don't anyone to take her away from me even if it was all dream.

Words: 709

   Sorry if it's short I just got the idea last night for them all to have a dream about a pretend future and for them to confirm that they all will confess to you in the near future so bare with me people. Anyway thank you for reading Ninjago Red Love! Until then Reader-kun...



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