Chapter 20

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    "W-what the hell is this" I ask to (k/g/n) who still had a sweet smile but there was something sickly about it. I look to see (y/n) moving slightly but my eyes were still frozen. Seeing (y/n) like that made my heart hurt, she might of hurt my before but not to beat her to a pulp until she is nearly dead.

    "She deserves to die for hurting you, Kai. No one like her should even be living on the same planet as you" (k/g/n) explain grabbing onto me with a tight grip. "oh look senpai she's getting up." 

   I look over at (y/n) and se e her moving around to get up. I could see her leg wan't moving at all and it looks like she was crawling. Seeing her like this hurt me, it pains me to see (y/n) like this.

   "Well, well look who decided to wake up, the demon. We have a special guest today demon, Aki came to visit. Why don't you say hi" (K/g/n) said through a speaker. (Y/n) froze and slowly look up to have eye contact with me. I could feel my chest hurt seeing her with that expression. "We're going to put a show for Kai shall we. I want to make it great. Why don't you show Kai your dark side."

   "Hah, a simple child like you can't understand what this girl has gone through" (y/n) said but with a darker voice. Looking at her, her eyes were red with a black aura around them. "Not even that boy would understand what she went through from you and that boy."


   It looks like he couldn't take it anymore and here we are. I try to help him by standing up but my leg is hurting like a bitch. But with some help I lean against the cave wall. One of my red eyes turn back to (e/c) eye. Ok I bet someone of you are wondering what I'm talking about when this is happening.

   I have a two-sided personality and I can talk to the other me through my head. We help each other sometimes which is now by helping him up. We share a body but we are ok for all my life when I found out about this as a child. I think this name of this is D.I.D?

   "What the hell is (y/n) talking about (k/g/n)? You did something" Kai ask looking over to her who was acting innocent. "Why is (y/n) like that?"

   "Don't ask her that...she is a monster" I said returning to my old self. Please tell me when you need me again I'll be waiting. "She was the one to ruin our relationship just...because she was jealous of us...being together..."

   "Shut up you piece of shit" (k/g/n) yell throwing a dagger at me but I barley dodge and hit the floor. Fuck how the hell did I get so beaten up by (k/g/n)? She didn't have any powers but she somehow screwed me up to be like this. "Kai, can't you see she's doing it now, she is trying to break us up because she is jealous of us. She deserves to be gone from Ninjago, our lives."

   "B-but to kill her just for that. I don't know the truth who's right" Kai mumble holding his head. I felt sad for him even if he broke me. (k/g/n) is mentally unstable as she pushes off the ledge. I could feel my adrenaline coming to me that I literally run to catch him. I got lucky too save him in the nick of time before hitting the floor.

    " Are you okay" I ask concern checking anyway but not having eye contact. My dull (e/c) ones against his flaming green ones but I quickly push him back when (k/g/n) came in to attack. I bring out my tachi sword out to block it, I thought they would take that away from me but I guess they didn't. Kai was still trying to process things which was taking forever to do.

    "You shouldn't talk to Kai at all, demon you are affecting him so leave him alone" (k/g/n) said with a crazy look on her face and her eyes look pure evil. She was panting like she just finish running or something. She comes at me again with her gunsen but her attacks were at random but I could still block them.

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