Chapter 21

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   "Oh really what would happen if your precious Kai was in trouble now" a voice so familiar to (k/g/n) but only a pitch lower and when I look down at (K/g/n) to see her still there only smiling up at me with an evil glint in her eyes. Just looking at her sends shivers down my spine, I slowly turn around I turn to see a blade to Kai's neck and (k/g/n) behind him. I look back between the two to sudden realize, they were twins.

   In a instant the one on the floor trips me so I crash to the ground very hard but lucky enough to not cause a huge injury. Looking up I was stating at two pairs of eyes one blue and one yellow. In the corner of my eye Kai was knock unconscious so he of course wouldn't be in their way to probably hurt him.

   "Why did you do it? Hiding the fact you two were twins is what I mean" I ask with my weapon at hand in case of attack. They slowly circle around me but defenseless still put my guard up.

   "We both care deeply about Kai such much we could kill for him at any cost" (K/g/n) yellow said stopping on my right then the blue one on the left.

   "And we would do anything for him to prove our devotion to him and love" (K/g/n) blue said stopping to my right and out of no where a kusarigama appear out of her hand then she tires to slice at me. Then the other one did the same thing. Why do twins have to be alike so much?

(A/n: ok to any who know or a twin I know you guys don't always act the same so continue on. And also the twins are in the media and labeled as 'yellow' and 'blue' and the purple eyes are the yellow one Ok. And down below is other twin's weapon. Ok, moving on)

 Ok, moving on)

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   (Y/n) blocks one of the attacks to only have to block both at the same time but (k/g/n) blue trip her over (Y/n) hit the ground once again as usual. While rolling away as (K/g/n) yellow keeps swinging her Tessen at her. (Y/n) can't use her powers because even if they did horrible things to her that doesn't mean they deserve to die.

   (Y/n) gets up to dash toward (K/g/n) yellow who wasn't fast enough to block or dodge so she had a cut on her arm, deep enough to stop ability in her arm. Screaming in pain she held onto her arm tightly that top her weapon that (Y/n) takes away from her. (K/g/n) blue came in to attack but was round house kick to the head and stagger back. Glaring at the (H/c) haired girl in front of her, she then tries again. With success (k/g/n) blue graze her cheek and tries to slit her throat.

   "Face it (Y/N)! Kai can never love you. You're just a toy he was playing with, we're more batter for him more than you'll ever will be, ever" (k/g/n) blue said smirking acting like a stuck up brat. Everything was becoming hazy and blurry as the rest of her stamina was draining away and she had to think of something to distract them. She need to drain someone's energy to replenish herself so she need to think of something on the top of her head. Then a light bulb lite up at a time of need.

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