~Valentine Special~

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    I was on the stage slowly playing the guitar with (y/n) right next to me smiling along as I play. It was Valentines Day but we plan to do a duet today since it was a special day for all couples and it made it even more special for us to do. By this time I stop being scared of being on stage and its becoming my second home, but to (y/n) it use to be all her life before she became a ninja so she was used to this already.

    When the song came to the end, we both made it to the center of the stage smiling at each other as the audience was clapping like crazy. Then, as quick as I could I gave (y/n) a peck peck on the lips to make them go even crazier and to see (y/n) slightly blushing which made her even cuter.

   "Thats cheating Kai" (y/n) said softly glaring at me while I smirk taking her hand as we went backstage and see her surprise finally came. "Kai did you order this for me!"

 "Kai did you order this for me!"

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     "Guilty as charge. What are you going to do about it" I said, raising my hands in defense as she jumps into my arms, then pulls me into a kiss and kiss me cheek which made lipstick now. Wow, I got a girlfriend that is a great kisser, but that isn't the reason we are together, it's because of everything else about her that makes her so amazing and unique.

    "I love you Kai so much. Thank you for the gift I'll treasure them whole hearted" (n/n) said as she smells the flowers, then found the small card I put in there then she was surprised once again. "We're going here tonight? Wow are you sure this is okay Kai I don't know how much this all is and I feel bad that you're spending on me while I have nothing to give."

    "Just you are being my girlfriend and always being by my side has been enough payment for me" I said honestly to her while she furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "Anyway we should get ready for tonight."


    Once I finish dressing up in my suit I went to wait for (y/n) which kinds of reminds of our first date because it was likes this. I had to wait for her then when she came down, she looks like an angel, ah memories. I was going to keep daydreaming when I heard heels from being me to see (y/n) is a simple red short dress, a golden necklace and her beautiful (h/c) (h/l) hair with a small braid in the middle. My glob she is stunning to look at...

    "Hello, Earth to Kai. Hello~ If you like it so much take a picture it will last longer" (y/n) said that catches my ears. I quickly grab my phone, then take different angles of my angle that made her look even more beautiful. "Ok photoshoot over weirdo. Lets's go or else the reservations will expire on you just taking pictures."

    She right, we had to move along I quickly grab her and did airjitzu to the ground, then go on my motorcycle with (y/n) holding onto my waist from my back. We made it on time to get the best table there a huge view of the whole city at night, it was going to plan like what I wanted it to. There was even a piano for people to try out, I saw her staring at it, then smile as she stands up to get closer and sits down at the piano. Once her play a few bars that catches everyones attention.

    After she finishes people were clapping and even some wanted a picture or autograph from her, but she took only a few. She made it back to our table sadly from those people attacking her at least her fans have some respect unlike my fan girls who are really scary.

    "Well now I have your present" (y/n) said smiling then holds my hand across the table while we wait for our food. Then it came so we begin to eat.


    The rest of the night went very well with them finishing dinner, then went slow dancing and after going back home. That whole night was peaceful and it was the best for the two of them to spend the whole day together like all couples, but they would do it again even if it wasn't a holiday. It was like that because they both do anything to spend time with each other...  

WORDS: 775

    👾❤️HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU PEOPLE! Well to those who have someone to celebrate with the happy Valentines day, but with the single people out there in the world happy Single Forever Day! One of my friends did that day up so I want to share you that as well. I'm not a huge fan of the holiday but I still have to be nice. Anyways, I come back from the dead and glad to update at least for today of all days.

    I hope you enjoy this special to the book and this isn't involve in the story just to tell you people. Still I hope you enjoy reading this, I enjoy typing it. Comment down below your thoughts to the special or anything and I'm always happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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