Chapter 25

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"So wait you're tell us that you come from another universe where there were no guilds, no mages and yet there is powers, dragons. You're the ninja who control the element Natsu" Lucy said looking at Kai who nods. Everyone was there to listen to this wanting to see the elemental master of fire. "You're almost like Natsu...wait is that why he left."

"I'm sorry to ask but who is this Natsu, I've heard about him but I never figured out who he was. Whoever was taking over me was chanting the name 'Natsu' and was trying to figure it out before I blacked out" Kai ask looking at Erza and Gray who look at him with sympathy knowing what it felt like to be in another unknown alternate universe.

"You were pulled into our world because you were a the brink of dying so your remaining power used it up to bring you here to us. So this is why you are here as your body is trying to take back your body but the evil inside it is still fighting" a voice said. Everyone turn to look at the ghost of the first Fairy Tail master as she got closer to take a look at the fire master. A small smile reaches her face as she looks at him. "My you're a looker you really do look like him and she was right about you."

"What are you talking about master" Makarov ask looking at Mavis in confusion. Mavis just smile then seeing his face but soon seeing the look in his eyes.

"I know you came here because my daughter did the same thing as you did, I guess time is different between the two world after all. The evil insides of you is a mage by the name of Natsu that has been possessed by END. The only way to get your body back is if you are willing to fight back and take what is your's" Mavis explains looking serious at Kai who only could gulp. "But that also means to fixing amends with a certain ninja and with a price. We can help you from here because we need to bring Natsu back to us."

The guild members all agree filling with courage to get their fire friend back and to return Kai back to his world. During that time Kai slowly got to meet the others and hear bacon their journey defeating many enemies. He could see many were almost like his brothers and Nya in a way making him feel more comfortable. Taking a breather Kai makes his way outside as he looks over Magnolia.

"Taking a breather aren't ya" Lucy said popping out of no where. Kai couldn't help but laugh at the fact he had been found so easily. Taking a seat next to him there was comfortable silence between the two looking over the town. "Hey I notice something, is there something on you mind? I'm open to listening."


   "Well, its just that hanging out here reminds me of my home back in the other dimension, I mean. And so much here reminds me of her, (Y/n) didn't deserve any of this to happen to her. After everything I've done I question if she will still..." I couldn't finish my sentence going unto deep in through. Lucy seems to be a very nice girl and she reminds me of, her in a way. I wonder if they could be sisters or something.

   "Hm, well I can tell you that whoever you have to makes amends with I'd probably that girl you talk about, (Y/n) if I remember. If she really loves you then she'll wait for you and stay by your side no matter what. You're family and family will stick together no matter what happens" Lucy explains with a smile on her face. I get the feeling she is thinking of that Natsu from before. "Anyways why don't you tell me more about this (Y/n) that you're trying to get the moves on~"

   "A-ah, s-she is very much like you in a way. She places her friends before herself and thinks of others before other" I said thinking out loud. I kept talking about her, how we met and what we went through until now at least. Lucy just listen to me as I rant about how perfect she is to me.

    I felt more at home talking to Lucy, she seem like a sister and I got to learn more about her too. She had a sister that she misses and now they were finally together after so long. The love for both Natsu and her sister was there as she talks about more about them, yeah exactly like (Y/n).

   "So my last question of the did you end up falling for her" Lucy ask now anticipating for the answer. Well this is the first time I've ever was asked this question that it left me in surprise on how to answer. How did I fall in love with her? That's a really goos question of how, there has to be something there. After breaking up with (K/g/n) it open my eyes to broaden my horizon and (Y/n) was there by my side through it all.

"'s funny, since my ex she has been there for me from the beginning and never left my side ever. At first I was happy to have a friend like her by my side then I started to notice I enjoy (Y/n) waiting for me. She has been there for me since the beginning and I never once noticed her feelings until I started to like her, she must of been in pain watching me be with my ex" I reply quietly looking off into the distance of Magnolia. The blonde next to me was smiling quietly as we look over the town. "Now...tell me, what's the scoop with Natsu~"

WORDS: 1000+

😈Ah that went well at least, even if many of you didn't enjoy this part. I bet the comments will go up about how many of you hate Lucy and Fairy Tail but its too late at this point. Truth be told I love Fairy Tail but I have a slight love-hate relationship with Lucy. I'm being truthful so, sorry to burst your bubble. Anyways if anyone notice a small foreshadow then congrats to you all.

I hope you enjoy this update because as always it feels good to use my skills on something rather than an essay. Comment down below your thought or the answer to the question, get it right and you'll get a shout out! Anyways I'm happy to update and can't wait fro what you guys think of it. Until then Reader-chan....


Who is Kai's voice actor?






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