Chapter 17

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    "Hey we should post this on social media how? I bet everyone will freak out about what she's done" a random girl said as I pass by them to get back to the bounty. (Y/n) was there on deck waiting for me which made me so happy. 

    "Kai...I have something to tell you" (y/n) said stopping before going inside. I gave her the right a way to say what she wanted. "I want to break up with you because I don't really like you anymore."

   After that everything went back to the way it was but this time it was (y/n) and (r/b/n) getting married which broke my heart into two why...


(A/n: I bet some of you thought it was the way they will break up. Tsk,tsk it will be coming up sooner of later)

    I literally sprang up in my bed, it was a dream or more like a nightmare for me. I know (n/n) would never break up with me because of that reason because she wouldn't want to be like (k/g/n). Keep it together Kai it was just something in your head and that is it. I got up to get dress because (y/n) and I have a date so now I have together ready to go. Once I dress up i went up to deck to see her in my dream. Oh hell no don't think like that Kai it was your imagination.

   "Are you okay Kai" (y/n) ask looking at me. I just told her everything was fine so we continued on with our date. 

   All we did was check out a new music store, gaming shop and right after we went to the Ninjago Arcade and (y/n) kept beating my without a problem. That is so unfair she is good at music and gaming how can sh have two things? But everything went backwards on a game and for the first time I beat her. I felt like I won an award which made me feel super happy with (y/n) sweat dropping in the back ground. After that we both decided it was time for us to go back to the bounty for training in the morning.

    "Hey we should post this on social media how? I bet everyone will freak out about what she's done" a random girl said as we both pass by them. It was the same girl from my dream but what is that all about and now I'm getting worried.

   But we made it inside of the bounty so it wasn't like my dream which made me relived to know that (y/n) wasn't cheating on me. She went to her room to change since she got wet when we pass the fountain so I went on instagram. As I roam through a picture catches my eye make me drop my phone...what this can't be right.


    "Hey Kai sorry for taking so long dressing...hey are you okay" I said getting closer to Kai but when I place my hand on his shoulder he immediately slap it away and turn to me with an expression I've never seen toward me, he was furious. "W-what happen Kai, why are you asking like this all of a sudden?"

    "You lied to me you said you never dated anyone and yet I'm finding pictures of you with other guys and kissing them. And the fact you never told me your family will be moving to America so you've been lying and secretive toward me. How could you do that to me" Kai said looking like he was hurt but I still have no idea what he was talking about so he then shoves his phone into my gut that felt like a punch. I look into the phone to find an account of me and random guys either touching each other or just hanging out. 

    Yeah, my family is famous so of course I would have picture with other guys for the business and some of them are artist and there were some perverts. I was a model before I was a ninja or a singe so that would explain it to. And the America trip I have no idea about that, maybe it was for mom, dad and (s/n) because I'm old enough to take care of myself.

   "KAI! I can explain those things just listen to me please" I said trying to open his door but he opens it for me and then he punches and kicks me to the ground. I look up at him about to cry but he didn't give a damn about me or not which made me hurt so much and not just from getting beaten up. 

    "I hate you fro doing this to me and I gave you everything and you still wanted to be with other guys like a slut you are and you wanted to run away from our family. I really wished I never helped (s/n) because I wouldn't have to meet you and never fall in love with you so i don't have this pain anymore. I'm going to say this once I'm breaking up with you, now leave me alone" Kai said slamming the door in my face and that's when it hit me.

    I ran pass everyone who was coming inside and lock myself in my room because I couldn't face them because knowing them they would agree with Kai and not me.


   I walk around the park quietly in the dark, since the break up I went out of the bounty knowing none of them would care if I was out of even missing. They would always go on Kai's side so why even try. As I pass a meadow all the flowers began to die as I just stare at them. That's right I have the power of creation/life but at the same time I can kill something with this power and now I know how Zeref feels about his powers. 

   I bet now both Kai and (k/g/n) are back together so might as well accept it. I don't want to but he is really stubborn so it will almost be impossible to change his mind and it just hurts my great and I suddenly fell and start to cough up blood, oh no its happening again. I have to get to Skylor, I soon got onto Shadow Black and make my way there and just before I could black out I knock on the👾 door to see a familiar red haired girl.

WORDS: 1067

    👾None of you expected this to happen so soon but if you are reading the Lloyd x Reader then you should already know. I had to add the part about her powers since it came be the same thing. Plus her powers are almost the same as Zeref from Fairy Tail and did I mention he is super cute! I love him so much but back to the story. 

ZEREF: Why am I in this story and why are you looking at me like that *me blushing*

ME: You are way cuter in person can I have your autograph *Zeref blushing* *signs autograph* Anyway you have the same powers as the reader and the fact you will soon be in my Fairy Tail x Reader fan fiction soon enough.

   Anyway I hope you enjoy reading this chapter or had showed emotions. Comment your thought and anything else you would like to say and as always I'll read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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