Chapter 22

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   "Huh" Kai said blinking out of disbelief from what he was hearing. "Could you repeat what you said to me again."

   "We said which one of us do you like more" both sister ask waiting for an answer. There was only silents no one move or made a sound. Kai didn't understand at all that and might be killed iff he says the wrong answer.

   (y/n) is at risk if I said neither or because she is blacked out and can't escape. But what if I said one of them what will happen? Would they kill each other? I have to play smart if I don't there will be more blood shed, Kai thought looking at the two twin sisters.

   "To be honest...I don't know who was my REAL girlfriend...I hang out with both of you but which one most of the time" Kai said looking nervous between the two of them. They both look at him and then to each other which made him starts getting worried about what they would say about that state. 

    "Isn't that obvious...that's me" both girls said pointing to themselves then glaring at each other to their core. "What are you say it's ME"

   "You copy my look first so it would be me" (k/g/n) 'yellow' said stating the fact that she did. The other was boiling in anger by the accusation.

   "I looked like you because I lost a bet to you if you remember correctly so, it's still me no matter what you see" the other reply to her. Kai was in the middle of this but he was slowly making his way back from them to reach (y/n). He had to get to her because she was the only one with her guard down, but one getting closer he sees something around her.

 He had to get to her because she was the only one with her guard down, but one getting closer he sees something around her

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    Surrounding her unconscious body there was dark aura seeping from her body as if it was something inside of her. He reaching to touch her but the aura around her burns him to bring back his hand. The aura reminds of a flame, so is it possible for him to get to her. Closing his eyes he tries to concentrate on his elemental powers but it doesn't seems to be work no matter who had she is working to crate a flame. 

    "Oh darling what are you doing...." "And why are you so close to her" One said then other after. He felt a another dark and deadly aura behind so he turns to see the twins held a serious expression on their faces with a glint in their eyes. Suddenly Kai was fling back away from (Y/N) in a distance and had a sudden pain coming from his foot. Now looking down he could see he hit something hard enough to dislocate it. 

    "You know what sister...I just realize something...It's her fault we even start fighting over Kai and she is trying to distract us to get to Kai. But maybe..." (K/g/n) 'blue' starts with her kusarigama shining in the moonlight.

    "...Maybe we can remove her so she can never touch what isn't her's anymore. Bad girls need to be punished to learn their lesson" (k/g/n) 'yellow' said finishing her sister's sentence. They were ready to jump her when she is defenseless. Seeing this made Kai had a sudden memory seeing (y/n) from before any of this smiling at him, and that smile was filled with love. The sudden rage came inside of him seeing them, about to attack a defenseless person.

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