Chapter 15

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   I hope my sensors and facial scanners are wrong because right in front of me is a girl that changed everything in one of my brothers lives and the one who took (y/n) away from me. I see a girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes...

   "Hey Zane it's been a while, huh can you tel me where Kai is please...this is really important" the girl ask waiting for my responds. 

   "I'll bring you since I was going over there any way he is at a concert of our teammates so he had to do supporting for the rest of us. Come on" I said grading the door to close then helping her onto my dragon to the concert arena. We actually made it on time before she could go on. 

   "Hey everyone it's us again Bella, Savanna and the one and only (n/n) glad to see you all came to the show and super happy to have us be heard. Anyway you guys lets go, we are going to take this slow..." (y/n) said getting ready to sing with her friends.



   "Thank you for coming out everyone good night" all three girls said as the bow to the crowd that was going wild. She is just amazing, Kai and Zane thought as they watch the (h/c)nette get off stage from their point of view. Zane was in the crowd with the mystery girl and Kai was backstage because he was a important supporter.

   "You did amazing! That is my (n/n)" Kai said as he lift her up by the waist to have their foreheads touching and (y/n) was kind of looking down at Kai. He was so proud of his girlfriend that he didn't notice the nindroid and the girl until they interrupt the moment.

   "Kai...I have someone that wants to see you" Zane said as the couple turn to see that girl with blond hair and brown eyes. "I'll leave you guys so bye."

   "It's been a while huh, Kia" the girl said while Kai shields (y/n) away from the girl. "And I see you have another one of me to replace."

    "What the hell are you doing here (k/g/n)! You said you would leave me since you were the one to end it! So why the fuck are you here" Kai shouts slightly since they still are at the concert and some people are still there

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    "What the hell are you doing here (k/g/n)! You said you would leave me since you were the one to end it! So why the fuck are you here" Kai shouts slightly since they still are at the concert and some people are still there.

   "I...I came to apologize Kai" (k/g/n) said now bowing 90 degrees which shock both Kia and (y/n) because (k/g/n) was the type to never apologize for anything so this was new. "I never meant to do that to you and I do have an explanation for that so will you please listen it at least listen to it then I'll leave."

   Kai slowly agrees then the three made their way to the near by park while trying to hide from the crazy fans looking for (n/n). Once a safe distance then made there way to the picnic area which was beautifully lite up so they would be able to see. Now here there were Kai, (y/n) and (k/g/n) in weird silence.

   "So what do you have to say (k/g/n) I don't have all night and it os getting colder in Ninjago since you left" Kai said with venom in his voice and if made (k/g/n) flinch slightly. She slowly looks down then begins to roll up her long sleeves to show many bruises, cuts and scratches every where which made Kai and (y/n)'s widen in complete horror and shock. There were some that were actually fresh still.

   "You see my parents at the time back then were going through a divorce and I ended ups with me abusive mother who promised to go back on her meds but lied and then started to go back to being an abusive person. That call I made to you take day was the day I had to move to Italy and I wanted to stay with you but still my mother took custody and I was forced to. And she also found out about us being together and threaten to hurt you if I didn't break up with you and she promised if I did then she would leave you alone and I out get less of a beating. Being the stupid one I believed her so here I and telling my side of the story. Now that my mother died I can finally be myself and I can move back to Ninjago" (k/g/n) explaining everything with great detail and the other two listen to every single word that came out.

   "I...I never knew your mother was like that. That would explain when we were dating you would make sure I never met her, huh? I never knew you were treated like that (k/g/n)" Kai said still in shock while (y/n) was spacing out about what to say. In reality she felt like an outsider since she wasn't involve with anything that happen but kept quite for both their sakes.

   "Who would I would keep quiet about my family so of course. But that in one of the reason I came back to tell you" (k/g/n) said now facing Kai completely with a serious look on her face. " I would like for us to start over as friends since you are with someone already but just being friend is enough"

   "I don't know what  to say...What do you think (n/n)" now their attention was on the other girl who still felt like and outsider. Really now you invoke me but at the climax moment in the whole conversation, (y/n) thought as her spacing out was interrupted.

   "You should be friends with her Kai. I can tell she is being sincere about what she is saying so just give her a chance" (y/n) saying still having no eye contact with Kai but fully with (k/g/n) who slowly began to smile at the young girl. Let's just hope this s for the best...

WORDS: 1005

   👾Hey guys sorry for not being around that much I really sorry but you all should know what school dose to you that you feel like you just died...So I really am sorry for not updating that much so please continue waiting for me I'll do my best to update once I finish a chapter so you all can read it. Comment down below on your thoughts and I'll be glad to read them and thank you all so much for waiting. Until then Reader-kun...




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