Chapter 14

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   "I'm happy I can finally have a break from the music for a day thank you for making the excuse for me Kai I really appreciate it and I mean it really" (y/n) said with a huge smile on her face and boy it was really cute.

   Right now we are at the beach since we never hang out a lot except see each other at the bounty. With Ninjago being calm we have jobs so we don't really see each other and that was when I thought of a day off. I ask my boss for a day off which he allowed but it took a while for (y/n)'s manager to allow her that is but in the ned I won!

   "No problem I've been wanting to hang out with you since you have been busy with singing, your manager, Savanna, and Bella. So it is thank you to both you and me for our hard work" I said starting to brag of how awesome I really am while (y/n) just rolled her eyes at me. "Any way shouldn't you get ready to go since I can tell you've been starting at the ocean since we got here so hurry up a bit."

   "Ok, ok mom you don't have to have your hair in a bunch. I'll be right back so wait will you" (y/n) said leaving to the changing room and in lek 30 seconds she was finish and man she look good in a bikini.

   "Is this now so will you hurry up and not keep staring at me" (y/n) said turning around not to have eye contact which gave me an idea to mess around with her

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   "Is this now so will you hurry up and not keep staring at me" (y/n) said turning around not to have eye contact which gave me an idea to mess around with her. I quickly took off my shirt then have my idea start rolling.

   "Ok I'm done now (n/n)"

   "Good now so now can we go i-" (y/n) stop midway of her sentence when she was completely facing me with a flaming red face. "WHY looking at me like that it's creepy Kai and since when did you have a tattoo on your rib"

   "Well I'v had this way before we ever started to date or even way before I ever started to date someone so I guess three to two years" I said scratching my head while seeing (y/n) composing her self

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   "Well I'v had this way before we ever started to date or even way before I ever started to date someone so I guess three to two years" I said scratching my head while seeing (y/n) composing her self. "Now, lets go before and have some fun."


   Kai drag me to the water where I splash him as many times as possible before I got tried because I had a plan. I've always wanted to see what Kia looks like without gel so like straight hair or something so that's where the water comes in. In Ninjago there is no gel that can with stand water so when the cells comes off I'll finally see what he looks like.

   "YES finally after so long I can see what you look like with...out...gel...." I trail off when I saw what his hair look like once the water was gone...IT WAS THE SAME! What in the name of Ninjago is that type of gel and who ever created it I'll be really pissed at. "WHAT THE HELL I WORK SO HARD TOO!" 

   "Sorry I'll never allow you to see what I look like so I am the champion today" Kai said now bragging aging which made me want to hide in the corner and cry but I kept it in for the sake of this fan fiction...


    Still after that it was still fun we did get interrupt by a couple of my fans and some guys confessing their love to me but Kai was there so....Yeah let's just say that that had a lot of sun burns and a little to much heat was on them. But over all it was an awesome day especially when the two of us walk by the shore with the moon over us.

   "Man that was so much fun but I kind of wish you went a little easier on those guys, they were just fans that is bad for both of our reputations as heroes to the city" I said holding hands with Kai and looking at him straight in the eyes.

   "Well in my opinion they deserve it because UI was right next to you the whole time and they still confess to you. They should be lucky I didn't do Spinjitzu on them because they would of had to go to the hospital" Kai said as we began to walk again. It was so peaceful and relaxing, and just before we went home Kia gave my a sweet kiss which meant the world to me. I hope we can do this agin some time...


   "So...will you be so kind enough to explain why were you at the beach when you were suppose to be sick with a hard flu and supposably bed ridden for the whole day with your sweet boyfriend Kia who burn three citizen in front of everyone who was just your fans confessing, huh? I know you have an answer and I can't wait to hear it so...what is it Miss (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)" (y/n)'s  scary ass manager said with a huge dark aura around him and was way more intimidating than the Overloard which is an understatement.

   I swear if I find Kai...Oh he better be ready, (y/n) thought with a dark aura and her bangs covering her (e/c) eyes. She was sure enough going to kill him for lying about something that was over the top fro just one stinker day.

   Somewhere in Ninjago border area a young porcupine haired boy got the sudden urge to sneeze but didn't know why and just hope it was for something innocent...

WORDS: 965

   👾The school year has been crazy since being a eight-grader and all but somehow I lived thought it all and I still wish to have summer. I'll try to update every other weekend at least but I can't really keep promises about it.

    Anyway I hope you enjoy this new part to the story and comment down below I'll always to happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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