Chapter 23

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WARNING: Just in case or something but just to tell you all. If you haven't watch Fairy Tail and want to then you'll be seeing two of the characters and I'm not trying to spoil anything for you. This just came to my head, if you like Fairy Tail or not you're stuck with it. Now we shall continue one...


    I open my eyes to only be surrounded by a grove of dead tress all around me but not only that but it seems I'm somewhere else. Am I dreaming, please tell me its a dream and a bad one. *OW* isn't fake but the last thing I remember is pushing Kai out of the way then getting stabbed instead. I should be knocked out but why am I here of all place. But this place actually feels very familiar to me for no good reason. 

   "W-Who are you and what are you doing here" a voice asked me. I turn around to see a guy around my age with black hair and...actually has a weird hairstyle to be honest. "Y-you should be here! Why are you here?!"

   He looked like he was in pain as then his suddenly holds his head as if in pain

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   He looked like he was in pain as then his suddenly holds his head as if in pain. I wanted to help but my gut was telling to watch him from distance, at the same time I felt comfort so close to him. Before I notice anything everything around him begins to die like a disease, he has the same powers like me? As it got closer to me I didn't feel a think not even pain I was protected and that shocked him.

   "H-how is that possible? Who are you and how do you have that power" he ask looking at me tears in his eyes. Ok, I'll say this and I'll only say this once...he is fricken adorable! I slowly got closer to him wiping his tears away. He looks at me like I lost my mind but I had a smile on my face.

   "I'm (Y/n) and in my world I'm an elemental master of life/creation. Who are you and what is this place" I ask helping him down to sit from all the things that happen he most be tired or something. 

   " name is Zeref and you're in Fiore a place of magic but for me to destroy it. I have the power of destruction...I suggest you leave before I destroy you to" Zeref warned me looking at me in concern. My heart skipped a beat one he said his name, it can't be Before he could get up I grab onto his arm before he could move. "What is it?"

   "Y-you''re my father" I said suddenly not even thinking ahead on how to tell him. His eyes go wide as if I grew another head. "I don't know how to explain it but I remember something...about my past that I had a father who gave me the power to destroy while my mother gave me the power to give life. It was Mavis...she was my mother and that would mean you would be my rear father."

   " daughter...she died as a child...then my son came along...Do you have a friends that control the elements Fire, water, earth, ice and energy" Zeref ask and I nod. He kept looking at me then tears come down his face, how many tears can this guy cry in one sitting? Zeref suddenly grabs me and pulls me into a hug and I return, he really held the same powers as me. "But my dear how did you come here?"

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