Chapter 19

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   "How the hell doI figure out my problem when I don't even know where to start" I mumble in a corner. Good thing no one is near by or else they will look at me weirdly. How will I get information from social media I can't just h..." I'm a genius."

   I call Shadow Black then make my way to some apartment building which is where Savanna lives. She is a master hacker and can hack anything if she felt like it. Once I got to the huge building I hurry to get inside but of course being a hacker has it's perks to annoy me.

(A/n: the Savanna I know is actually a good on the computer but not as a hacker. My other friend Zack is the good one out of my gang of friends.)


    "(N/n) are you ok? I heard what happen about Kai I'm so sorry, love" Savanna said giving me a a bone crushing hug which I get use to. "Why are you here?"

   "I need your help to find some information about a photo" I said showing her the photo. She puts on her lucky glasses and went straight to work on her computer. She is the best hacker I know besides her cousin who shall not be named, LOL.

   "Ok, here's what I got right now" Savanna  calls me from her cave. "Ok I know fora fact you would never kiss anyone besides your boyfriend so this had to be photoshopped. In doing so as to who to a photo is still a mystery until I found a fire wall over it. once I found it's original owner. It's someone else picture but someone changed it to you and some random person."

   "Can you find who did it plus go check out an email I get about an two hours ago about airplane tickets to America. I have a bad feeling about them" I ask going into my phone then hand it to Savanna. I got this weird feeling that something about that email it wasn't like my parents, thats for sure. I look over at Savanna who was glaring at her computer which means something bad. "What did you find?"

   "Who ever sent you this wanted you to screw up by plugging it into your computer and not have a friend who can hack. There is a severe virus on it and it would of spread everywhere if I didn't take it down. This email might of taken down all of New Ninjago City" Savanna said hanging me back my phone. "I added a few security measures in case something happens again. Not only that but but the email had a hidden map onto it which is in the Ninajgo area. The pictures were random but one was saying Tacos which makes no sense to me."

   "Thank you so much for the help Savanna I own you one" I smile then take my leave. "I got to go and check out that map now. I think it has to do with something big. If anyone ask about me don't tell them anything about where I am going."

   "I won't, scouts honor. But  (n/n) be careful and..."Savanna adds on but silence. I look over at her coughing and smile at me "May the force be with you, young one."

(A/n: This is what the Savanna in my story looks like but in real life she doesn't even look close with hair and eyes different

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(A/n: This is what the Savanna in my story looks like but in real life she doesn't even look close with hair and eyes different. Anyways back to the story.)

   "Oh my god you learn too much from your cousin" I gran but I couldn't help but smile while leaving. I call my dragon to fly up into the sky. Once I was high enough i mid-air I went to check the map. The place in near the old temple of the fire temple, weird.

    I hurry there to be in front of the abandon temple. I heard stories about this place from the brothers to know this is where Kia got his sword and some entrance to some place in the under world. Going inside it was still in tip top condition which is weird. Exploring around I go down more to be at a ledge to the under world or something. 

    "Well I have nothing else to lose anymore" I mumble turning away from the ledge to fall backwards and meet darkness.


    "Where are you taking me (k/g/n)" I ask. She has been dragging me around since she said she had a surprise for me. We were in the forest near the told fire temple.

    "Come on, you know I can get lost but this time I have a map and besides we're almost there" (k/g/n) said smiling at me with a cute smile but not as cute as (y/n)...WTF?! Why am I thinking of her all of a sudden because of (k/g/n) smiling, she betrayed me. "Ah here we were I told you I know where I am going. Come one I want to show you something."

    "Alright so what is it? I'm starting to get curious" I ask as she pulls me into the temple. Once we made it to the ledge she went to a ladder that was built in which is the first time I've seen it. I follow behind then it somehow turn into a sliding pole which made me slide down to easily. After I reach the ground I hit my bottom then glare slightly at (k/g/n). "Next time tell me if that happen so I won't hurt my butt in the process."

    "Sorry but we're here come see" (k/g/n) said now dragging me to another part of the cave. I look to see something on the ground but getting closer I froze. On the ground was (y/n) all beaten and unconscious.

    "W-what the hell is this?"

WORDS: 977

    👾This is shorter that what I expected so sorry about that but the next chapter might be coming up sooner or later. Another thing is when they the ninja were in the fire temple where did it lead off to? All I know is that when sensei went down there there was the skeleton kingdom. I'm sorry if I don't know that its been a while since I've seen the first season. So I called it the underworld because that is what I remember them calling it so don't judge me!

    Anyway I hope you enjoy this part to the story I know I enjoy typing it and see your guy's reactions to them. Comment down below on your thoughts or anything to say. I always enjoy seeing what you guys say. Until then Reader-kun...




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