Chapter 5

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   I've been going out more often and starting to get use to going to train & stuff. Everything has been the going back to normal before I ever had a girlfriend. Today the sun was shining without hesitation.

   Man I'm beat for playing to many video games last night trying to beat a certain boss that was kicking my ass. Someone tap me on the shoulder, I turn around to see (y/n) smiling at me.

   "Hey Kai I want to ask you if you want to go to the Ninjago Mall with me" she said sitting next to me while brushing away the (h/c) bangs out of her face. " I need to go and get some new materials for my music. Plus there's a new game I want to get so you might as well come along to get something as well." (Y/n) was cool as ever unlike me she was't hotheaded and to her time to get mad, but when she dose watch out she's hard to stop.

   "Well actually I did want to get a few new games so I'll go" I said standing up. (Y/n) face lights up as if she saw fireworks with a huge smile on her face. At that moment my heart skip a beat. She grabs my arm and pulls me onto the deck. I jump off transforming my dragon while (y/n) on the other hand was still on deck watching me.

    "This is my favorite part about having a dragon appear out of nowhere" she said as she fell face forward first. All she did was stunts in mid-air since she was in gymnastics as a child before ever becoming a ninja.

    In an instant she was on her dragon that was name Shadow Black. He was fully black like the night but had a couple of dots on his body which kind of look like freckles. If you saw him at night you would only probably think it was the stars moving. Plus he has a badass tail with spikes at the sides.

   She was already about to land so I stop my thinking and just follow her to the Ninjago Mall.

I can't believe I'm going somewhere with Kai ALONE it's almost like a date! No wait bad (y/n) he just got over his girlfriend so don't get cocky about all of this. Beside he's been on the bounty for too long so might add well being him to the mall at least.

Once we land we went into the mall and went straight top the video game store. We all around see all kinds of games then I see what I want (f/v/g). As I try to grab it another hand went to grab it as well. I blush at the contact, I look to see it was a boy my age with red hair and green eyes.

   "Oh I'm sorry you can have to game" "No it should be yours you were here first". He and I had a small fight just trying to be nice to each other. In the end I got it just to stop the fighting, we look at each other and just laugh.

   "That was a bit fun. What's your name? I'm (y/n) (l/n)" I said giving him a hand shake. He said his name was (r/b/n) and I found our we had a lot in common since we love video games and had a thing with music. We even exchange numbers to keep an eye on each other for music and videogames. Overall I had fun today even if I didn't get the game.

I grab Super Mario game since they don't have the garb I want and I don't have this version when they're on go karts. When I paid for it something caught my eye. I saw (y/n) talking to a guy about our age with red hair.

What the hell are they talking about? And why is that guy talking to her? Wait why am I so worried about this she always talks to guys. But what is this feeling right now, I think I know this feeling...jealousy. Why am I jealous of some random guy talking to (y/n)?

Then I see them exchanging numbers and (y/n) smiling/blushing too. Somehow I felt my heartbreak a little. (y/n) smiled at someone other than me. (y/n) look my way and look a bit shock.

"I'm sorry (r/b/n) but I gave to go to Kai you know my friend" (y/n) said with a apologetic smile on her face. The guy said it was ok and left. As soon as he was gone (y/n) grab my hand and pulled me out of the shop and into the foods court.

"God Kai are you okay" (y/n) said in a worried voice. What did she mean I'm fine, why wouldn't I be. (y/n) speed walk all the way to (f/f/r) and got a soda then came back and handed me the soda.

   "When you're done let's go home okay I can yet tell you're tired as me" (y/n) said smiling which I blush again. My heart is going crazy right now everytime she smiles at me. What is this feeling?! God Damn it!

   Once Kai was finish with the soda I gave him his eyes were a bit puffy from crying. I guess he didn't notice he was crying in public.

~Few Minutes Earlier~
   I was having fun talking to (r/b/n) when I saw Kai waiting for me. I turn to look at him when I saw him crying. I became worried when he was just watching me allowing the tears to come down.

   "I'm sorry (r/b/n) but I gave to go to Kai you know my friend" I said with a apologetic smile on my face. (r/n/b) was okay with that and left. Now pay attention to my Kai.
~END Flashback~

  We're now outside with our dragons but I had an idea to make him cheer up and feel useful. "K-kai can I ride with you" I said looking at Kai.

   "K-kai can I ride with you" (y/n) ask looking at me calmly while me on the other hand my heart was pounding out of my chest. I nod my head slowly and took (y/n) hand to get on to my dragon. (y/n) wraps her hands around my chest that made my face heat up and hurry to take off.

   While flying to the bounty I heard soft snoring from behind me. I turn around slightly to find a sleeping (y/n) wrapping her hands around my chest. Ok, now I feel like I'm on cloud nine literally the feelings were going on to my face. Why the hell I'm I feeling like this with (y/n)?

   Once we land (y/n) woke and got off my dragon still half asleep. She look so cute when she is like this. It was already five in the afternoon so (y/n) went back to her room. Once saying goodbye I sat down on deck and look over the valley thinking about what these feeling I have now. Wait, now I realize something about this. Heart racing, heat up, being close and getting fluster when talking...I' love with her...

Words: 1250 

Longest part in this whole story. ❤️Thank you guys so much for waiting for this part. I've been under a lot of pressure in family and end of school. So thank you so much for waiting and reading my stories.❤️



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