Chapter 24

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(Y/n) could only watch as Kai was screaming in pain as the flames were consumer him within them. She was there wanting to help him but didn't know how, she had just woken up but she had nothing to think of. All she saw as she open her eyes was that Kai had just killed a girl, someone that had been obsessed with him since they first met. (Y/n) didn't know how to feel about this.

"You...YOU MONSTER" a voice shouts gaining her attention. It was (k/g/n) 'blue' who was crying not to far from me with her weapon at hand. Then in a instant she felt a weapon or kaurigama at her neck. " I hate all monsters so you're perfect for each other, if I lost something important to me than you should do the same!"

Kai turns to look at the two females with a blank expression but it was still obvious that he was angry. (Y/n) didn't know how to feel at the moment because one someone had a weapon to her neck which would make her scared and at the same time worried since Kai was there, she didn't know what he will do because of it.

"You get away from her right now" Kai growl in his normal voice but it almost sound demonic. (K/g/n) 'blue' on the other hand was smirking pulling the kaurigama closer to her neck. (y/n) notice that her captor's hands were shaking slightly as she looks at Kai with a glare, she really is scared of dying. "Did you not hear me? I said...GET AWAY FROM HER"

"None of this can scare me not like my sister who was head over heel in love with you! I was too but now you're just another monster like this one right here. Nothing that isn't human deceivers to live!" (K/g/n) 'blue' shouts tears spilling down her face. Deep down she was at her breaking point of killing herself or to kill (y/n) but all she wanted was to be with her sister once again.

"Kai...don't do anything rash okay, let her go, she just wants to see her sister again and be with her because she loves her. Please don't be a murderer I know you too well. You're not the type to kill so please listen to me, your best friend and teammate" (Y/n) said trying to reason with Kai before he did anything stupid that he might regret in the future. A wave a heat come through them feeling the burning sensation of the flames. Both girls were screaming in pain. "KAI YOU IDIOT DO YOU HEAR ME RIGHT NOW"


What the hell is going on with me right now?! In front of me is (k/g/n) 'blue' and (y/n) screaming in pain. I'm not saving (y/n), I'm hurting her right now I want save her but I don't know have. My body was moving on it's own and I have a mind of my own. But there was still anger inside of me because of those stupid twins but I was just anger at myself for what I did to her before.

I was anger and so anger that I wasn't thinking of anything else and I'm hurting her right now. She look like she was about to cry and It's all my fault because to my action but I can't stop the flames even if I tried my hardest.

This is our fault, this is MY fault, I made her scream in pain. All of this is our fault because I knew it was our fault, I can't help her because it's all my fault, I thought staring out into space. Then I notice the screams slowly dying down like they were straining their voices, looking over to then I saw it. (y/n) held (k/g/n) 'blue' in her arms as she looks up at him with a glint in her eye, this isn't (y/n).

"What the hell are you thinking Kai, you're trying to kill me too?! What is wrong with you, trying to kill people what is going through your mind thinking its ok to do that? It isn't good you'll lose your sanity if you ever try to do it again. Are you willing to do that to someone" (y/n) yells looking at me. It feels as if my sanity was on the edge between everything in this world. I know it isn't right to do this but at the same time I feel like I'm being controlled by something far more worse than myself. "So it really was you, wasn't END"

What the hell is E.N.D mean? I've been hearing that in my head since the flames become more violent when they surround (K/g/n) 'yellow'. It seems they were someone but what's so important about that person as they look at each other. It felt like (Y/n) was looking at someone else that wasn't me but why?

"You're really going let him control you Kai? I know you well enough that you wouldn't let anyone take control you no matter who. So now are you giving up on me" (Y/n) said looking at me as if she could see me through all of this. My body felt heavy as I could hear a low buzzing start to ring through my ears. The sound became clear as I look around me to see another place and (Y/n) wasn't there anywhere. Where the hell am I?


"Wendy help him! He seems to be in really bad shape right now" a voice said through the rising in my head. Opening his eyes slightly to see this girl around his age with long blond hair and brown eyes looking down at Kai in worry. Where the hell am I? "He's wake! Excuse me are you okay? We found you on the outskirts of town."

"W-Where are am I? Who are you" Kai ask looking around him as she helps him up to sit up from the bed. Now in front of him he sees another girl younger than him with long blue hair in pigtails and brown eyes smiling at him.

"You're in the Fairy Tail Guild hospital. My name is Lucy Heartfillia a celestial mage and she is Wendy Marvell a Sky Dragon Slayer. Are you okay and who are you" Lucy ask looking at him curious from where he came from. Kai had a surprise expression as he listen to her, what the hell? A mage, as a wizard but that is impossible there is no such thing unless...he is in a another world.

WORDS: 1105

   💀So...I finally am able to update after so long for many of you probably waiting for me to do. If it isn't the story you wanted updated sorry but one at a time. Besides like I said you have to DM or tell me which story you want me to focus on first to reach you guys faster. In the chapter if it sounds weird then sorry all the stuff I write just come to mind once I have an idea and tried it, it will sound weird so sorry.

   Anyways I hope you enjoy this new update because I always enjoy doing it for the hell of it because I can for the people. Comment down below your thoughts to this or anything you will like to say and I'll take it. And before I go again like I usually do I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to 123_Anime who did another fan art to my story. Once again thank you so much for supporting my stories and nice enough to allow me to post your art here! >U< Until then Reader-kun...

 Once again thank you so much for supporting my stories and nice enough to allow me to post your art here! >U< Until then Reader-kun

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