Chapter 28

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      (Y/n) was tired of just fighting for nothing, now she really had something to fight for and it will end here and now. Getting up she releases all that energy she had left which created a pure black aura around herself. Natsu was probably surprised that she could still even more after all of this, but there is a reason. Placing a chant over Kai's...body (y/n) made sure it's safe to then begin attacking. Only fueled with anger and revenge.

      This pressure was all new to her and yet, it made her feel calm, more at home type of feeling. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she only focuses on her surroundings. It was only quiet with a few crackles of fire often. Opening her eyes, she attacked.

     With speed, she stands in front of the demon himself while trying to his face only to be blocked. However, she took that to her advantage as she was able to attack his stomach with a swift kick to the gut. He lets out a groan of pain and irritation. He had dealt with many villains and foes but not like this.

     "W-Where did all this power come from? Just by almost killing your partner, you've become like this. I should do it more often then" the demon laughs as (Y/n) grits her teeth. The pure hatred she felt toward him was only growing. He who was supposed to be a hero was only harming others.

     "There won't be a next time demon...Natsu..." (Y/n) replies as she stares straight at him. She was just done now. Even if he had hurt innocent people and...her past lover. Deep inside he was the same Natsu, the same one who was a friend to many and a lover to one. A brother and an uncle who was the missing piece to her family. "I'm ending this all now. No more people getting hurt because of my mistake to contain you."

     Natsu's eyes widen as he hears another voice instead of the normal girl's voice. It was strange yet familiar to him. Why was his heart suddenly pumping so fast after hearing the voice? Shaking away from the thought he focused on his main priority. To stop the child from being in his way from destroying this world.

     "Enough talk, you're in my way kid and I need to finish you" he immediately answers before launching himself toward the girl who kept her guard up. She was going to make the same mistakes a before. Now that it was one-on-one fighting, she needs to do whatever it takes to stay alive. (Y/n) was the only one to save Kai from completely leaving her.

     Coiling his fist back he swings, but only to miss as (Y/n) dodges and quickly attacks him with sudden jabs as much as she can. He was still in mid-air as she creates a fist to punch his stomach, with so much pressure he was on plummeting downward, from just a simple punch. She was seething with power that she was analyzing everything. Taking in a deep breath, she controls her power as she begins to glow with a white aura.

     As Natsu stumbles up from the fall he looks up, to only stare into (y/n)'s bright (e/c) eyes. They didn't hold any animosity or need for revenge anymore. But pure determination and full focus as she wasn't going to let her negative emotions get the better of her. As much as she wanted to kill the man in front of her, he was still blood no matter what. Not only that but she knew he wouldn't do that with his own free will.

     "Did you honestly think I want to kill you Natsu? No matter what, you're (Y/n)'s family, or whatever is left of it that is. She is only a child but she knows she wants to help come back to us...We miss you Natsu...I miss you" the voice explains as she gets closer to the dragon demon. In fear, Natsu moves his tail in a way to swat her. With the strength, she has pushed further away.

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