Chapter 26

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   "What's going on" a crowd of mages suddenly freak out wanting to gunfire out what was going on. The earth was suddenly shaking as if an earthquake was happening but it isn't affecting anything. "Why is the guild hall suddenly shaking.?"

   "It's because of that" Master Mavis said pointing to the sudden black hole that appears out of nowhere. "Something is telling me that HE is the one who made this, but since he doesn't have his other half he can only make this earthquake."

   Kai looking around then realizes something, the missing half has to be him. If they share the same body, then they are one thing meaning if one if gone then their loses their power. The black hole slowly stops becoming a threat as it suddenly becomes dormant and changes the image. Inside it was only filled with black darkness but they changed into a lighter color surrounded by an image.

   "(Y-Y/n)..." Kai faintly said staring into the now portal of the once black hole. in the image was (Y/n) still guarding the twin almost dead body. "She must have used her powers to save her using her powers."


    "What the hell do you want E.N.D" (Y/n) growl with a horrific look on her face as she glares at the thing. From the point of view of the thing, we could see both (Y/n) and the monster fighting. Wherever the thing came from wasn't important as the monster in front of her now laughing at her. "Why the fuck are you laughing you reptile shit...."

   "Wow you have a sharp tongue, maybe if I cut it off it will be better" he replies with a crazed look on 'Kai's' face. Now that I think about it, seeing my own face if kind of creepy, Kai thought watching the two interact. The demon starts to reach over the ground with the flames around him spreading to (Y/n) as she stands her ground. The pain was all over her body but using her powers she is able to heal herself more easily. "I you can actually heal yourself and yet you can't heal others at all. Man, you're an interesting girl, just like my brothers said."

   (Y/n) grits her teeth when mention of his brother or better known as her father who has control over him. The only questions she has is for this moment is how did  E.N.D get here and why her father would do something in her universe. Stepping slowly out (Y/n) starts moving then running at the flame dragon who was coming at full speed toward her. They both clash with dust settling showing the after effect, (y/n) hold her arm while the demon adjusting his jaw. A smile soon spread to his face, a smile that was painful for her to see because it was Kai's famous smile, the sight was only more painful to see. Seeing the opportunity Natsu attacks the girl with a 'Dark Fire Dragon: Roar'

   "I can see your're afraid of the body I'm in aren't cha? I'm someone who is dear to you, that's why you're so hesitant in attacking me" Natsu said with the same craze smile. (Y/n) getting up is slowly being surrounded by white that was slowly helping heals her with the arms being more functional. With a glare, she was more infuriated to fight against the creature who was controlling her friend's body. "Ah...I'm all Fired up now...LET'S FIGHT!!"


       "She'll die if she keeps this up, you never told me she was this stubborn" Lucy shouts looking at Kai who was just as worried as her. In fact, everyone was, a girl is trying to defeat the pure demon without any help at all. Then something become noticeable to him, walking forward closer to the portal.

   "H-how is she able to heal herself..." he asks out loud to no one. He could only stare at the girl who was surrounded by a white aura instead of her pure black.  "That's impossible for her to do, she can't heal herself no matter how hard she tries and why is there white instead of black?"                                                                                                              
   "Seems like she actually has some things up her sleeves...or she could possibly gain a new power in a way," Ezra said trying to reason to the confuse ninja who would only watch the girl. Looking back at the screen the fight was still heated with Natsu burning her and (y/n) attacking as she heals herself. "If only there is a way to get both of them back to normal..."

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