Chapter 7

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   Ok all I have to do is to confess to (y/n) and finally have her as a girlfriend what could possibly go wrong....EVERYTHING! I walk around the bounty to find (y/n) humming her tunes as she was fixing her small studio at the end of the ship. When she's working she is so mazing the way she work with the music...just wow. I could watch her all day...but not now I need to confess.

   "You better come in or else you will of course knock over the things near the door. And I would rather talk to you face-to-face then face-to-door" (y/n) said sarcastically smirking up at me through her long (h/c) bangs. I went inside looking around closely. "So what do you need hotshot."

   "Well I was wondering if you would like to...the Ninjago mall for something" I said wanting to face palm myself for pausing. I look at my (h/c) hair friend who was smiling at me. She nods her head following me to the mall.



   Ok what the hell did that flame brain go, I've been looking for him for over 10 minutes. As I walk around the mall for some reason the smell of roses in the air. As I get closer to the lovely statue in the middle of the mall the fountain there is roses in the water then the sound of music began to play. I turn around the see Kai with a mic and someone playing the guitar.

(Thinking out Loud- Ed Sheehan)

   "Listen (y/n) I need to say something and it dose't involve how horrible I sound...I really like you as in like like you. You've been my everything and I didn't see it before so now I'm taking this chance. (y/n) is you be this idiots girlfriend" Kai said smiling at me. My heart was fluttering in happiness.

   "Yes, it's yes! I would love to be your girlfriend" I said almost squealing, I jump on him with a huge hug. "You didn't sound bad you actually sound better than my old man and he even tried to be Elvis once." 

(A/n: the Elvis part about my dad us a true story...not kidding he was horrible) 

   "Oh funny that what I like about you (n/n)" said as he took my hand and left the mall as a couple.

WORDS: 390

   Finally I got to update my Kai love Story! I've been in a bit of a mood swing thanks to what happen in Florida. If any of you were in the area  or any family members all I hope is you guys are ok because you all mean the world to me. So overall I hope you guys are ok. Until then Reader-kun...



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