Chapter 29

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     It was dark and cold that night. The stillness as the quiet fell over the city of Ninjago. No one could do anything but stay quiet as people of the city made their way to the outer border of the city. A soft meadow laid there and it's where we lay our scene.

     People from friends to family; from those once enemies to allies, now stand in the open plains. They've all gathered for one event only that makes people come together to pay their respects. A small group leads the way until they've reached far enough from the city. Now stood a family of friends, who've gone through thick and thin for each other. They've risked their lives for someone else in the group and it could only make the stronger.

     The green figure stands ahead and alongside him, an (f/c) figure who was holding something in her hands. With a curt nod from the leader, she lets go. From that hundreds let go as now there a was a sky full of flying lights, all going into the night with a silent farewell. No one could speak of their beauty as it was their final goodbye. The color bright red filled the night as hundreds of lanterns were in the sky.


     One-by-one people soon begin to leave, until only the front group now stand there as the red twinkling lights begin to fade off into the distance. The group was quite just staring off into the sky. Soon the small group itself began to disperse as they went back to the bounty. Zane, Lloyd and (y/N) were the only ones standing there, side-by-side. Both boys silently glance over to the lone girl who stands in the middle, just gazing into the sky.

     "I'm going to head in now...I'll sees ya back at the bounty okay" Lloyd comments, fully looking at the girl. (y/n) looks at him for a moment, with the same glazed-over eyes, then with a curt nod, she dismisses him. Lloyd pulls the girl into a sided hug before turning around to walk away, back to the others who were much further away.

     Now stood the titanium and (f/c) ninja, one gazing off into the distance and the other looks at her with such a face. Zane took a breath before pulling the girl into his arms, she could only shiver after realizing how cold it had gotten into the night. Looking up to the nindroid she could see the distress in his icy blue eyes. She leans against his chest, still staring off into the distance.

      "I...I'll go back and check with the others back to the bounty. Call me if you need my assistance, okay" Zane says, looking down at the girl in his arms. (Y/n) looks up toward the nindroid before showing a soft smile. It didn't reach her eyes, compared to her beautiful smile from before. The same smile that was taken away that day, the same day she lost the love of her life.

     Letting her go, Zane glances back at the girl one more time before walking back with a healed heart. He was once in love with a girl who was brave and faced the world head-on, but now he finally knew. Her bright beautiful eyes were on another man, who held the same fiery passion as her. As much as Zane wanted her all to himself, he knew he couldn't.

     For now, he had to be strong for the same girl who held the fiery passion. The same passion that she once shared with another, who had stolen her everything thought and her whole heart.


     I never thought standing alone would be so cold, just that thought made me softly laugh. Looking up into the sky the red lights had finally floated away from my sight. There's nothing else I can really do now, it's cold, dark and honestly lonely. Now here I am just standing in an open field, how depressing.

     "I know I'm supposed to be strong after everything...the pain, discovery, and loss I had to go through. But how am I suppose to just be okay now? Now I'm alone..." I whisper out, clenching my fist. "I held the love of my life in my hands as he was dying...I could have saved him...I fuck'n have the powers to do so...why didn't I just use my powers...why did I have to be at a limit to use them?!"

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