Chapter 13

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    "You did great today (n/n), Bella, Savanna you guys should take the whole day off now , you deserve it (like since you were stuck here last week so go and have fun now)" my manager said through the studio room. I was so happy that I made a run for it to get out of here. 

(A/n: those are my best friends names so I used them for this chapter and you can chose which to sing)

   "FINALLY FREEDOM" I said pumping my fists as I was in the streets of Ninjago instead of my office which needs a whole make over again. I just decided to wait fro Kai at the arcade since we promise each other meet there today. As I did a few fans came up to me asking for my autograph which I gladly did for them since they were little kids.

   So much has happen in just a few months like my career for instance, I can't really think of any other example. I was just a girl that did covers fro the radio and now I am kind of famous all around the world since I became a hit with just doing that. I'm lucky enough to have a company willing for me to stay in Ninjago so I am not homesick and I can still do my music on the side from being a ninja and a supportive girlfriend.

   "Hey (y/n) I've been looking for you I hope I haven't made you wait so long I just got back from a delivery" Kai said rubbing off the sweat off of his handsome face while I giggle since he keeps smearing cole on his face. I get a wet nap then cleaned him up a bit. 

   "I'm fine I just finished my last song and now I have a day off. So how is your little side job doing at the blacksmiths" I ask looking at the pac-man game in front of me. Kai has been helping a local village's blacksmith since they needed help and it was time for him to test out his blacksmith blood. At first he sucked but then started to get better until he was the best just like his father.

   "Oh it was awesome! The one man wanted to pay me but I refused since I have the best prize with me every single day" Kai said from behind me just watching me try to beat my old score.

   "Really what would that be..."

   "YOU Baka" Kai said wrapping his arms on my waist to make me surprised enough to kill myself with pac-man being eaten on my only life.

   " did that on purpose I saw that you didn't want me to beat you again is that it" I said facing Kai with a pout on my face while trying to look cute which won him over.

   "Come on I'll buy you some Starbucks ok" Kai said now dragging me out of the arcade and onto the busy streets with every now and then signing autographs to fans. We made it to Starbuck and once again was attack by his fangirls like last time we were there I was now planning to leave so I don't get attack and not bump into someone to have their coffee on me until Kai took a firm hold onto my hand.

   "I'm sorry ladies I have a date to do with a special girl..." Kai said now pulling me in front of him then kiss my cheek. "As you can see I have someone special in my life so please leave us alone."

   Every single girl was shock but then thought we were really cute together to make an OTP Group dedicated to us. Great now we have crazy girls supporting us, but now at least they won't bother us well on purpose that is.

   "Well looks like we can finally have some peace and quite now so you better thank later ok" Kai said now ordering us some hot coca and sitting down relaxing.

   "Wow this is the first time you ever stood up to your fangirls when I'm around you must of grown up I'm so proud of you" I said acting like I was crying while Kia was freaking out. "Oh calm down Kai it was only a joke but seriously thanks for standing up for me, that means a lot to me."

   "Well of course I would anything for you after all" Kai now said placing a kiss on my lips. "You were my first fangirl and always be my number one..."

WORDS: 770

  👾After so long I am able to update from my schedule so I finally I feel so HAPPPPPPY RIGHT NOW. It feels like forever since I updated but school is a slow as ever which is a huge pain, so 1 month down 8 more to go. (If I die there I'll ask my mom to bury me in Saturn and lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a long song~)

(s/n): Yay Author-senpai is back so now she can help with sis's love problem since she always get jealous way to easily. *Reader blush*

YOU: Hey you should shut that mouth of your's you are still in middle school and then act like one and don't get involve with my love life!!! *Long Speech*

(s/n): So...did you get all of that Senpai 

ME: HELL YES! This will be good to show to Kai let's go! *Runs away*


   Any who I hope you all enjoy this new part to the story because I always enjoy writing about the ninja but this will be the only recent one since I have school so it might take a while for the next part to come out. Comment down below about your thoughts and I'm happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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