Chapter 11

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   Oh man, please tell me i look okay in this! I just bought this dress to for any oratory but not for my first date and I bought it with hi! Although I did kind of buy it in secret so he couldn't possibly know excel he had to goo through my stuff with would be impossible since I would kill him for it.

   I'm wearing a red sleeveless dress with a small black belt that goes up to my knees and have black heels with the rims red and have a small golden buckle to both of them. Also wearing simple black earring, a beaded braid bracelet and a red purse all together. My (h/l) (h/c) hair was in a small bun (PRETEND) and I had simple light scarlet lipgloss and mascara.

   "Uh...sorry did I make you wait long Kai...your sister has been very snoopy on what I'm doing now a days" I said walking up to him with a slight pink on my face since Kai looks so HOT in a red flannel, ripped skinny jeans and black boots! I could drool but not now.

   "Oh sorry about her, since we've began dating she's been doing out to me and now it's your turn to have a stalker Nya *that probably will become your sister-in-law* but anyway let's go before the reservation is over due and they give our table way"Kai said, I didn't hear what he said in the middle after stalker Nya but it might not be important. 

   He heard out his hand to me as he was now riding on his dragon, I held on for dear life as Kia was literally speeding through the sky. If there was such thing as a sky freeway he would be speeding and will have the air way control officer give him a ticket he should be very lucky there isn't, yet...

    We made it on time before our reservations were due and I found to it was the place I've been wanting to go since it open and found out it was expensive over the limit. This was the food I would get at home, good thing I wasn't that hungry and Kai told me it was for the deserts only.

*Comes in COLE & LLOYD*: HEY, why dose Kai get deserts and not us

AUTHOR: This is my books and I decide who gets what! Now get out of the STORY NOW! *Shove them out* CONTINUE!

   After the desert was actually past by the arcade where Kai told me he was the best at a certain game and he would win. But once he began to play he immediately lost, step aside let a real gamer through...


   Kai let (y/n) play the game saying sh would win in one ry and so she began to play. In less than 10 minutes she survive all the aliens attacks, gain a bunch of magic powers and made it to the boss. Many people stop what they were doing top just watch the girl play her heart out and in the end...GAME OVER NEW HIGH SCORE!

   "Wow I beat my last record in oner 15 minutes"

   "H-how did you do that (n/n)"

   "Oh I've played this game before and i just beat my old record in half check out the score below mine" (y/n) said pointing to the same nick name but 10 times less but better than Kai.

   "Wow so it was you who couldn't be beat? Who knew I'm dating a pro gamer, I feel even luckier now so I can use you to help me beat Jay's stupid score" Kai said starting to get pump.

   " wanted to beat him...I kind of played the game last night and I beat his score by triple so now you  have to beat my score, sorry hotshot" (y/n) said sweating bullets as she watch Kai's soul leave his body. I was going to be the best, Kia thought. "anyway we should head back now your sister might be worried about us or she might want know how that date went."

   "'re right come on" Kai said leading the way back to the bounty after nah wonderful date the love birds just had together with no stalker Nya following them...


   "Man that was actually fun except fro the part by almost being killed by your stupid fangirls. I swear can't they read the internet that you are actually dating someone and get the hint already" (y/n) said exhausted from running away from my killer fangirls. One look from their evil eyes they might of already killed (y/n) at a glance.

   "It's not my fault I'm so good looking that they girl just love me so much and that is why you were probably jealous of them hanging all over me~" I coo to (y/n) as she roll her eyes and laugh. those lips are...

   "Well excuse me for falling for a playboy kind of guy who I almost killed just by a misunderstanding and MHP-" (y/n) couldn't finish her sentence because I couldn't take it anymore. I've waited for a moment like this so I could finally kiss her.

   The taste of her cherry flavor lips only got me more into it that I bit her lower lip. It took her a while to kiss back in the first place but she deny my request. So I ran my finger through down her spine to give her the chills and that give me the chance to heat up the kiss even more. I open my eyes a little to see (y/n) was a hot mess right now that made me want her even more.

   But before we could go back into another heated kiss I heard a snapping of a camera,i turn my head slowly to see Nya...with a camera...drooling. (y/n) and I both blush hard out of embarrassment and in anger! WHY would Nya do a thing to us...

   "Oh~ This one is going into the photo album for sure" Nya said swaying the photo in her hand. I was so made that I began to chase after her and leaving a starstruck (y/n) that in the distance starting to laugh...

   Oh (y/n) I' might of been with (k/g/n) before but you are actually my first kiss and somehow I knew I was you very first as well...


   I heard the two love bird get back on the bounty so I wouldn't help myself to check on them and boy did I make the right decision to do so. I found that my dear older brother mad the first move on (y/n) which she told me was her dream to come true. But not only that things began to heat up between them so I could help myself to grab the camera...

   *SNAP* Both their head turn to me with their faces red in embarrassment and probably anger...lots of anger...

    "Oh~ This one is going into the photo album for sure" I said swaying the photo in front of me befe blowing out if there before my brother could get me. I could literally see horns, pointy ears and a tail only brother! In the distance i heard someone laughing and not just anyone but (n/n). So I guess my brother is a little tsundere after all...

WORDS: 1224

   👾Sorry about adding Cole and Lloyd in the middle of the story I just couldn't help myself it was kind of funny to add them like breaking the 4th wall. But I wouldn't go there because I don't want the titans to ruin humanity.Plus the part when they were kissing I had no idea how that idea got into my brain but good thing Nya came to save me from thinking that far into the story. I din't want to rate this story as a PG-13 all I will add is just swearing that's it...

NYA: Hey np Author for saving you back there and it was worth it in the end...*Show picture to me**Start to blush*

Me: Wow..who knew Kai was that kind of kisser~ *Smirks as thinking about blackmail**high fives Nya*

BOTH: Oh Kai we have very important photos to show you and Reader-kun~

   Anyway I hope you all enjoy this part of the story and you might hear more conversations with the ninja so you'll have to wait for more. Comment down below of how you felt about this part and more about the ninjas. Until then Reader-kun...




KAI: Oh no! Don't you dare think of blackmailing me! *Runs away*

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