Chapter 30

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WARNING: This will be cringe-worthy (in my opinion) viewers discretion is advised.


"Come on bud, we gotta hurry. Please hurry boy" I shout as Black Shadow coos before flapping their wings even faster. My eyes still focused on the star. The beautiful firey star that was falling from the celestial sky.

A lump was left behind in my throat as I could feel the wind passing through my hair as Balck Shadow was going much faster. The bustling night market under me wasn't my concern as I pass by everything in a blur. In the corner of my eye, I even noticed the Bounty as it was on top of a building to land.

I ignored their shouts of concern towards me as my attention was still on the firey light. It wasn't until I made it onto the meadow that I felt like my surroundings were blurry. My attention was only that falling start. It only got closer to our atmosphere that I was able to see it more clearly.

     Rather than a star, it looks like an irregular comment, I thought as I just stare up into the sky. By now it felt like everything was fine what was left is me and the falling star, how romantic. As it came more closer I was able to see...legs?!

What the hell?! Could that be a body coming from the sky? What is this a UFO now? So many questions went through my head at that very moment and I didn't know how to react. My gut was telling me to go to where it will lands. Turning around I run back to Black Shadow and continue to make progress toward the red thing. It's not a star anymore so whatever it is not it has my full attention now.


What seems like forever, the flying human-like that thing reached more further away from the city. Even further the border of Ninjago. Where the hell is this thing going? Now we were in a much more deserted meadow that had beautiful flowers, just ready to bloom. Now away from the polluted city lights, the red streak glowed even brighter.

Off into the distance, there was a lake that looked so clear that it couldn't be blue. Honestly, this place was a beautiful sight to see at night. Even with the flowers closed the shining light of fireflies replaced the colors. This scenery was something I would come back to.

A bight boom scared me and I was forced to look up at the red flying object and it seems to be decent...into the lake?! Does the person thing want to die?! Quickly I guided my dragon into diving close to the shores of the lake. I know he hates water so it's the safest bet for both parties. Once we made it onto the land I was able to see it was only getting closer.

In a matter of seconds, it landed headfirst into the water. A huge wave of water came crashing toward me and I was just frozen in shock. Closing my eyes I was ready to be drowned by the water but it never came. Carefully opening my eyes I see a shield in front of me between the water. Soon it moved, it was Dark Shadow's wing. Turning around I could see my dragon's expression of discomfort with droplets of water runs through its scales. It saved me from drowning just now, even if it hates water...

"Thank you, big hero" I whisper scratching it's snot and hearing a soft purring like sound. Soon I had to leave it the side and begin swimming toward the floating person.

With every minute I could feel my heartbeat even faster as I swim closer. Now I can see it was a person and it was wearing normal clothes but that was the least of my concerns. The person was now sinking and I begin to panic. Taking a deep breath, I dive into the water in the hope of reaching the unconscious person. Panicking I was pushing my limit of swimming to reach their side.

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