Chapter 18

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The red haired girl was inside her house watching TV trying to pass the time until she heard the doorbell and went to answer it. She didn't know it would be her best friend who fell into her arms. What happen to (y/n), she thought as she was internally panic and concern for her best friend health.

      Once the two made it to the living room (Y/N) slowly begins to wake up...

     "(N/N) are you alright you just come to my door then fell into my arms?! Who did this to you" I ask looking at the deep bruise in her stomach as she took out her gi to try and heal. Even if she can create life or take it away she can't heal herself and when it hears there are scars instead.

     "It was Kai we broke up after he saw photos of what my fans did them being perverts. He didn't even let me explain myself and the fact my family is planning to move to America leaving me here to be a ninja" (Y/N) explains to me. If Kai did that to that it made me even more mad because she didn't deserve this happening to her. "keep your cool Sky I don't want you to do something you'll regret later on."

    "But-" I couldn't finish because (Y/N) sends me a terrifying glare that gave me the shiver down my spine. We stay quiet until (y/n) got up from her seat to go to the corner of the room where I put my guitar. She came back and starts to string a few cords on it and looks at me to sing. I just sigh going along with her if this will make her happy a little then I'll do it. (Skylor- left & Reader- right)


     As she was sing the song while playing I could see it in her eyes that she was in pain but it still doesn't stop her from playing music no matter what it is. She looks at me and had a small smile omg her face as she keeps on sings. I was about to say something when I saw (y/n)'s tears slowly coming down her face but she just kept on singing, knowing her she didn't even notice them coming in.


    Once I finish singing I was already crying for no reason, my logic was saying not to cry but my mental state well lets just say it shut down. Even so I have a plan to finish with, I still have to find the person who ruin all of this for us and make them pay. I might not be a violent but still is a exception. I don't want to worry Skylor about this because if I tell her my plan she will tie me down to a bed and make sure I can't get out.

    "Look at the time, it's the time to sleep and I still have to change or else I'll get sick" I said getting up from my place on the couch and making my way upstairs.

    "You're right. Go shower and I'll leave you some clothes to change into while your cloth go into the dryers" Skylor explains as I get up the stairs.


    I quickly get change and get ready to make my escape through a window in  my room. I had to make sure I leave nothing here in case someone might come after me from here. Once checking everywhere I grab the letter I wrote last night and place it on the desk and jump out of the window. Now I have to keep my plan into motion. I'm sorry Skylor, I lie.

WORDS: 625

👾Hey, Hey, Hey! I'm so glad to still be back into business. Anyways I am getting closer to state testing which is still in a month but open house is coming too. Not only that but my music teacher wants us to preform in front of everyone which isn't cool. But this is what I get for picking this elective again when I should of pick art. 

    Anyways I hope you enjoy this part into the story and I know I enjoy typing it. Comment down below your thoughts or anything and I'll be happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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