Chapter 27

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In an instant, the two ninjas disappear and reappear on each side of the demon. Kai was able to strike unlike (Y/n) who was dodging his attacks and once again fling to the side. Landing on her feet, black mist surrounds her and activates with a boost of energy. With enough force, she pushes forward and with the momentum, hits him straight to the gut making him grunt. Then quickly reaches around his neck and places him in a chokehold tightly. (Y/n)'s now shape nails dig into his tough reptile skin as Kai goes in to attack when a tail swings violently at him.

Seeing Kai get hurt made her movements hesitant and using that to the demons advantage using his tail to wrap around (Y/n)'s body and pull her away. Now that's unfair, he has a stupid tail, Kai and (Y/n) thought glaring. Still in his tail warp, (Y/n) touches the tail using her powers.

"Ah damn it" the demon shouts letting go of (Y/n) who lands face first, lucky she was a thick skull, so she didn't end with a concussion. "I completely forget you had that power in the first place...very strong magic, if only it was used for the right purpose."

"Like beating you up? Yeah, that's what makes this much more useful that I'm very self-conscious about it. But thanks to you two I feel so much better" (Y/n) replies with a smile on her face. The two are equally matched and to fight each other drains energy away. Kai is of course there but the energy was still depleting quickly.

(Y/n) roundhouse kicks and jabs, allowing E.N.D to stumble, giving her an advantage. She reaches out to him with only three fingers touching him to activate her powers. A shrill or scream of pain echoes through the battlefield that even a group of ninja's in the sky could hear it. E.N.D was filled with rage and evil power as (y/n) stands string waiting for his next attack. Holding her weapon close and tightly she watches his movement in case he does anything. But she still couldn't see what had happened right in front o her.

Kai was right behind her as soon as he saw he understood why she was frozen there in pure horror. There in front of the two E.N.D was him holding the only living twin in his claws. She was shaking as she tries to break free with the rest of the energy she had before she could be suffocated. Neither one didn't know what to do, if they made a move she would die but if they don't die she'll die. Even after everything she and her sister have done to them, they can't just let someone die in their hands.

"Hm, what would happen to this girl? If you move she dies...or if you don't move she'll die. Decisions,'re a ninja and must save everyone, but how exactly are you going to save this one again" E.N.D said with a sinister smile on his face. (Y/n)'s expression darkens as she only stares straight into the demons once bright brown eyes. Her blood only drops immediately as the wheels in her brain were moving quickly as she tries to reach for the unconscious girl.

What she didn't know was E.N.D had planned this. Once she took the wrong step he puts his plan to action. Quickly grabbing her reach arm he was able to pull it out of its socket, which only brought pain to (Y/n)'s whole body. Clutching onto the loose arm she pulls away as the unconscious girl in the demon's arms begins the stir. At first, she was questioning where she was until her eyes land on a scaly arm. Then her eye adjects to see her two saviors trying to save her and one with a pulled arm.

(K/g/n) 'blue' soon began to fight back as she squirms in his grasp trying to reach out to the ninja. It may seem rather pathetic that she was trying to go to the girl she hated. But at that moment her instincts told her to live and that's what she was going to do. At the moment promised that she would live in honor for her sister. Don't worry sis, I won't stop fighting for you, (K/g/n) 'blue' thought as she kept on moving away from the demon. However, having enough for her squirming he drops her on the ground which she thought was her chance to escape. But instead, a foot plants itself on top of her head which brought a rinning into her ears.

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