Chapter 2- Repeat

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Think about it: what can you buy that is good for you, but cheap? Seriously, I don't know anyone that has walked into a Whole Foods and came out with more than three dollars in cash.

I hate grocery shopping, I thought, scanning the shelves, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

Every Sunday is a new trial. Like if I were in a room with laser beams that were about to burn my face off, so I couldn't touch them. That pretty much describes it. Try getting entirely fresh and healthy food to last three people a week on a budget of 30 dollars...I thought so.

"$3.50 each?" Groaning, I put it back on the shelf, and continued to walk around. I couldn't make it work if it was over 3 dollars. That's how tight money is.

Okay, but how are white eggs different than brown eggs? Did they come out of white and brown chickens? Wait, aren't eggs just basically chicken perio-

"Well, if it isn't the infamous Kurtie!" I immediately tensed at hearing my name, and turned around to the biggest nose I'd ever seen in my life. Those nostril are so huge I could probably fit my whole hand inside of them...

"Leave me alone, Glenn!" I called, pushing past him to the bread area.

"I'm the one who should be saying that. You're basically begging me for more," he said in a low voice, licking his lips hungrily.

"That was two weeks ago, and I'm pretty sure I'm over you. You still hung up on me from that one night?" I asked, bringing my basket to the self checkout.

These guys that I work for are all crazy. I'm sure at least half of them are serial killers on the run, and there's a good percentage of robbers mixed in there. That's the thing about being so damn good at your job: they always come back for more.

"I stole that money from my wife the last time. I got away with the $300, but if she notices $600 missing, then I'll definitely be dead." Oh yeah, don't forget about the closeted rich men, still with their wife that they met through arranged marriage.

"Yeah, well, the price is nonnegotiable. When you get the money, you know where to find me. See you later, Glenny boy," I called over my shoulder, carrying the grocery bags like they were filled with Louis Vuitton shoes.


"You know it."


"Hey, son!"

"Hi, dad!" I yelled back, setting the groceries on the counter and starting to unload.

"What, I don't even get a hug?" He asked, walking into the kitchen with a grin on his face. "How are you doing, pal?"

Terrible. I'm stressed out, exhausted both physically and mentally, and I'm pretty sure my hair is going to fall out. "I'm alright. How about you? You shouldn't be getting up, you know with all the back problems..."

"Kurt, please. That surgery was over a year ago." Yes, I remember. Around the time of my first client. "I should be able to go back to work soon."

In the middle of transferring the apples out of the bag to it's rightful place, I froze and turned back to face him. "And the doctor said this?"


"You're not making it up?"

"Nope." I stared him down, making sure he didn't look away from my eyes and crack under pressure. "I'm not lying to you, Kurt. Get off my case."

A sigh of defeat from me, and a look of triumph from him. "Can't you just get a desk job?"

"Not as fun."

I'll give him that much. I was working as a receptionist for a dental office during the day. They didn't need a college degree to hire me. It was a simple job, an idiot could do it. Answer the phone. Schedule an appointment. Repeat. Answer the phone. Schedule an appointment. Repeat. It goes on and on.

Every Clark Kent has his superhero side. Every Miley Cyrus their Hannah Montana. I was Kurt Hummel: Receptionist by day, Male Prostitute by night.

"I'm really impressed with you, son," my dad said, suddenly, leaning on the countertops.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You somehow manage to get the money all by yourself. I'm really a terrible dad, having you pay for everything I do-"

"You're not a terrible dad! Don't think that!"

"What I'm saying is that you do it all by yourself. I'm really proud of you, Kurt. I don't know how you do it."

You don't want to know. You don't.

"Uh...extra shifts!" Smooth, Kurt. "Nancy gave me extra shifts at the office."

I lie to his face all the time. I never get used to it. "You know...I don't say this enough, but I love you."

I gave him a small smile, and gathered him up in a hug. "I love you too, dad. I'll see you next week with more food, alright?"

"Alright. Call me when you get home!"

"Okay," I said, before shutting the door, making sure no noise could be heard from inside the apartment. "If only you knew...I'm not going home tonight."

Flirt at the bar. Sleep with the guy. Repeat. Flirt at the bar. Sleep with the guy. Repeat...

Hey, everyone! I just figured that if I wrote more chapters, people would decide to read it more, so that's what I'll do! Enjoy!

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