Chapter 6- Always

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"You're doing what?"

"Geez, Kurt. How many times do I have to tell you?" Burt sighed, and his aggravated tone was well sensed through the phone.

Kurt paced around his kitchen, combing his fingers through his hair with his free hand. He can't be serious.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, going back to work is a really big thing! What if you get hurt again? What if the-"

"I'm not leaving my shop to those idiots any longer. I'm fine, alright? Give yourself a break, you don't have to be my babysitter anymore."

Babysitter. It's true. All of it. Soon enough, his dad wasn't going to need him. He was going to be working, making his own money, doing his own shopping. The roles were reversed. It's like Burt was going into the real world, and Kurt was waving his son goodbye at the airport.

"Okay," Kurt started. "Okay fine. When do you start?"


"Tomorrow," Kurt repeated, laughing rather solemnly and subdued.

Burt could feel the uneasiness of the boy on the other side, with the noises of the trembles cracking though the phone, and the long silence.

"Hey, Kurt," Burt said, quietly. "Put Blaine on the phone, would you?"

He's already done with me, Kurt thought. You're a used tissue. He'll cry on you when he needs it, but once he regains his composure, you're just thrown out. Garbage. Useless, useless, trash.

"Hey, Mr. Hummel," Blaine greeted, almost lazily. Small talk came every once in a while, but Blaine was always good with the adults. So he's been told countless times.

"Blaine, is everything alright with him?"

He was taken aback by the sudden straightforwardness of their conversation. What happened to the 'How are you's and 'Everything's great. Have a good one'?

Blaine looked back at the man, who sat at the kitchen table and stared into space distantly. He had a far off look on the face, even though he was just pointing towards a wall.

"Kurt? Yeah," Blaine spluttered into the phone. "Yeah, of course!"

"Are you lying to me, Blaine Anderson?"

Yes. "No! Everything's fine."

Burt glared at nothing in front of him accusingly, even though her knew that Blaine couldn't feel it from miles away and over the telephone.

Not quite convinced, Burt sighed. "Take care of him, alright?"

Blaine looked down at his lap, and took in a sharp breath. "Always."

He would always take care of him. Through thick and thin. Through breakups and one night stands and prostitution. He would be there for all of the hangovers in the morning, for all of post-tequila tears.

Wasn't it implied?

"You're a good man, Blaine."

At least one person thinks so...

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