Chapter 13- Alone

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They'd claimed that they were taking it slow, but things seemed like they were moving so quickly.

Every day, Kurt was in charge of dinner. Whether he made it, or ordered in, it was always his business. At first, when Phil and Blaine started dating, he would get enough dinner for 3. Phil was almost always stopping by, sometimes staying the night, sometimes for casual football watching (Kurt went to his room for that), and sometimes to just say hi. It seemed likely that they would need that much food, just in case he decided to show up.

Blaine suddenly spent most of his time at Phil's place, now. "Slumber party? Again?" Kurt would always joke, because the concept of a relationship- a functioning relationship- was foreign to him.

"Yeah," Blaine sighed, feeling a small pang of regret in his chest, but pushing it inside.

"Next time, tell me sooner, okay? I already ordered food."

"Okay. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Are you sure you're eating there? I got dumplings."

"That sounds great, but Phil and I are catching a movie tonight. I'll definitely be home for dinner tomorrow."

Blaine wasn't home for dinner 'tomorrow.'

Kurt started getting enough food for 1. Just him.

He lived with his mother and father for the first part of his life, and then he lived with just his father. None of them were alone, because they had each other. But both knew there was something different about the house when their wife and mother didn't come back from the hospital. It was empty.

Kurt had gotten a glimpse of real loneliness in high school. Some days he felt so misunderstood and looked-over that he just wanted to yell... nobody would hear him anyways. But he'd never been truly alone, after all. He lived with his father, he wasn't alone.

Soon after, he met Blaine Anderson. Blaine just got him. Blaine knew what he was going through when nobody else did. Blaine was also gay. Kurt had someone to talk to.

And then he lived with Blaine in New York. Two best friends, conquering the city together, as a team.

And then it was just him.

So it was no surprise that Kurt sat on the couch all by himself, while Blaine was God knows where with Phil. It was something about the empty apartment, the quietness, the only noise of the settling frame every so often. For the first time in forever, Kurt just sat down and sang.

He hadn't sang since NYADA, not since he got cut for his grade slipping, not since his dreams for the Broadway stage were crushed. Blaine always says that it changed him into something bitter and unhappy. Blaine said he needed music back, that music would keep him sane.

Kurt agreed, but he only sang when Blaine wasn't home. Because when there was music, you don't feel quite as alone.

A pretty boring chapter for you guys... I'm so sorry for not updating in an entire month! Time just slips away from you, I guess.

This chapter is important, though, because as I keep saying, I have huge plans for the future of this story.

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