Chapter 19- Unexpected Visitor

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Blaine tried not to feel anything as he walked along the streets of New York. The burning in his cheek was long gone by now, as if his tears washed away all of the pain, but it couldn't make his insides stop hurting.

But even with the betrayal and the acknowledgment of a toxic relationship, Blaine wanted Phil's arms around him. He wanted the smooth touch of their lips colliding. He wanted his fingers to tangle in his hair and for him to cup his cheek, not slap it. Even with all of the nasty and terrible things Phil said, all his ears seemed to hear from his mouth was "I love you."

He wandered to the other side of town, finding himself at a familiar door that he couldn't have mistaken for anything else. A door that he hadn't approached in weeks, concealing him from a man he hadn't visited in far too long.

And so Blaine knocked.

The man that opened the door clearly didn't know he would be getting a visitor, or know he would be doing anything at all that day. His hair was a mess, which it never was when he saw another living person. The man's legs were covered with sweatpants, and his top with a baggy shirt. But he was beautiful, in a way that couldn't be explained in words, just by sight itself. It was Kurt.

"Oh, hey," Kurt spoke, and it came out as almost a whisper. He cleared his throat, and looked behind Blaine expecting to see someone else, but finding nothing there, "Didn't expect you coming today. Is something wrong?"

To be honest, Blaine didn't know. Was there anything wrong? Was he just overreacting? Probably. He was probably just being the drama queen he always is, and always would be. It wasn't even that hard of a slap, if he thought about it. Blaine was still living, breathing, standing in front of his friend that he hadn't seen in weeks. Phil apologized. He told Blaine he loved him. Blaine was okay.

"No...everything's fine," Blaine said, trying to force a smile onto his face, "I just thought I could stay over like old times- unless you're busy."

"We both know I'm not busy." They both laughed, and Blaine realized that he missed that sound. Kurt backed up, allowing him to come into his old home, which he was now just a visitor in, and shut the door behind him. "I was actually just about to watch The Devil Wears Prada."

"Isn't that a movie that high school Kurt would like?"

"Everyone likes this movie, Blaine," Kurt combatted. He then noticed that Blaine was empty handed, except for his phone. No bag of clothes, no wallet, nothing. "Wait... where's your stuff?"

Blaine just looked at him for a couple of seconds, debating whether or not to actually tell him. They were best friends- or at least they used to be, at the rate they were going at- and they didn't hide anything from each other.

"Oh, uh, it was kinda a spur of the moment thing. I didn't pack anything." At least it was kind of true.

Kurt dismissed it easily, his true suspicions hidden and tucked to the back of his mind when Blaine told him that his drop-in wasn't planned. That meant Blaine was thinking about him, that Blaine wanted to see him. That he was wanted.

"It's fine. I think you left a few things in your room."

He left out the part where he debated throwing them into the fire. And the part where he gave some of it to the people he slept with, slept with for money, if they couldn't find this or that on the floor afterwards.

"Thanks," Blaine smiled, and continued to his old bedroom.

I guess they were both lying, huh?

Sorry for the short chapter, but what?? Updating on a Saturday?? Yep, you're welcome.

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