Chapter 27- Leaving

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Blaine stood at the door of the apartment that used to be familiar, and used to make his heart swell with love when he reached it. Now he only felt hurt and loss.

As his hand came across the cold metal of the doorknob, a chill ran through his body. He ignored it, and pushed himself into the apartment before he could feel any regret.

The sound of the door creeping open echoed throughout the house, and Blaine's heart sped with anxiety. It was almost like a horror movie- everyone knew the monster was lurking around the corner, but when was it going to jump from its hiding place and attack? It was the few seconds in between, where Blaine was anticipating the terror with the quiet and eery tone. He held his breath.

"Blaine?" And there was Phil, peeping around the corner, his eyes wide with shock and relief. "Thank god, you're home."

Even the slightest glance made Blaine sick to his stomach. Disregarding all of the pain he put him through, Blaine couldn't help but think of his best friend, walking into the police station to surrender himself, all because of Phil's blackmailing schemes. He couldn't shake the visual of Kurt writing him his goodbye letter, shaking under the pressure of Phil's threats. It all came back to him.

Blaine wasn't scared anymore. He was mad.
"I'm here to get my stuff."

Blaine walked to the room that they used to share, filled with all of the clothes and important items that he never had the chance to take. Phil followed quickly behind.

"You were serious?"

Blaine stopped and stared at him with a blank expression. "Do I look serious to you?"

He kneeled on the ground in front of the dresser and transferred clothes to his duffel bag with shaking hands. He tried to move as quickly as possible, so he could finally go and never look back.

"If you leave me," Phil started, crossing his arms, "you'll have nothing left."

Blaine thought about it for a second. What did he have left that he could call his own? What wasn't broken or battered in his life?

"Maybe you're right," he muttered.

Phil smirked with satisfaction, "Hm."

Blaine found a new confidence inside of him that he'd never felt before. He felt invincible, nothing at all like the boy at Kurt's apartment the night before, who cowered behind and said nothing.

"Because you took everything away from me," Blaine started, clenching the clothes in his fists angrily, "You were the first person that made me feel special. You knew you had my heart... you knew you had all of the power and you used it to your advantage. My innocence, my body, my feelings- they were all yours. You took everything from me."

But he did have something left, he realized. He had Kurt. He had Kurt from the moment they met, and understood each other's struggles, dreams, and everything in between. He was there, when everyone else had betrayed him, or beaten him, or left him. Blaine still had Kurt, even if he was behind bars, never to be seen again. Because they had something special, the two of them. And that was something that Phil could never take away.

Blaine turned his head back again to the full bag, and zipped it loudly. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and spread throughout his whole body. He stood with the strap on his shoulder, and walked passed Phil.

"Stop acting like you're the fucking victim, Blaine!" Phil yelled, once again going after him. But this time, he pulled on the hood of Blaine's jacket, making him turn so they were face to face.

"I can't believe you... You know, when you came to Kurt's apartment, I kept my mouth shut. I was scared of you and what you'd done to me. But I've had enough of living off of fear. I've had enough of you dictating my every move, telling me what to do or what not to do, making me feel like complete crap. I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago. I'm leaving, Phil."

Out of nowhere, Phil's hands were on his chest, pushing him off the ground and into the wall behind him. Blaine sank to the floor, wincing at the sudden impact.

"You're not going anywhere," Phil threatened, towering over the boy.

He got up slowly, his eyes filled with tears of rage, not pain. With a sprout of determination, Blaine reached towards the doorknob once again.

"I am. And you're not going to stop me."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is."

Blaine yanked open the door, revealing two police officers that he'd called right before he entered the apartment.

Phil gasped, but his feet were planted firmly on the ground, as he was too shocked to run. Blaine Anderson just played him.

Needless to say, Blaine felt much safer as he saw Phil being shoved into the back of the cop car. But he couldn't help wonder how anyone could feel the same satisfaction if it were Kurt.

I want to start by saying I'm very sorry! I've been extremely busy lately, which is why I didn't update on Monday like I usually do!

But anyways, who's proud of Blaine for finally standing up for himself? I'm happy to say that Phil will not be seen for a long time, and Klaine is approaching! So stay tuned!

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