Chapter 33- Appointment

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"Blaine Anderson for 1:30."

Kurt looked up quickly, his heart beating and his fingers gripping the ends of the notepad tightly between his fingers.

"It's you."

His boyfriend, whom he hadn't seen since the night before, smiled down at him, "In the flesh."

The past couple of days went better than expected, in Blaine's mind. The last thing he wanted when he brought up the idea of sleeping in separate beds was to grow apart from his boyfriend. He would never leave Kurt's side unless he had to. And both of them decided that Blaine's health was more important than being next to each other at night.

They made it work, and Blaine couldn't be more relieved.

"I didn't know you had an appointment," Kurt said, setting his paper aside and going onto the computer in front of him.

"I didn't either until I got a notification on my phone," Blaine shrugged and rolled his eyes, "I must've set it when I booked the appointment and I guess I just forgot."

"Ah, I see."

"Aren't you supposed to be keeping track of who's booked for today?" Blaine asked, leaning against the top of the desk.

"Technically, yes."

"'Technically, yes,'" Blaine teased.

Kurt shook his head and giggled, "Information the same as the last time?"

Blaine raised his eyebrows, "Doing your job now, are you?"

"It's what I get paid for. Is your information the same?"


"Is your address still," Kurt rattled off his and Blaine address, keeping a straight face in the process. Both of them knew the answer to that question, but for entertainment, he went through the motions.

Blaine chuckled.

"Address?" Kurt repeated.

"It's the same," he smiled. "So this is what you've been doing all day..."

Blaine's hands found the notepad that Kurt pushed aside, the first couple of pages decorated in images of women and men dressed in the clothes stemming from his own head. Intricate, complex designs that Blaine hadn't ever seen, things that he couldn't in a million years think of himself, things that could only come from Kurt's mind.

Every detail was shown, from the swirls in the lace to the strands of hair tied up in a messy bun, the hairstyle that Kurt chose to complement the clothes she wore.

It was a masterpiece.

"I'm just doodling to pass the time," Kurt shrugged, turning to face the computer once more. Maybe he should be keeping track of his job. "The only real entertainment I get around here is when someone gets their wisdom teeth taken out. I have to keep myself busy."

Blaine could only look at the drawing with wide eyes and parted lips. "Kurt, this is really good."

"They're just scribbles, Blaine," he blushed. "Really."

"I'm serious. These designs are fantastic."

Without warning, the notepad was ripped from Blaine's hands, tossed aside to the opposite side of the desk by Kurt with a flurry of anger that he couldn't quite place. "You're just saying that to be nice. Thank you, though."

Blaine hated when he did that. He hated when he pretended that he wasn't spectacular, individual, and everything that made him who he was.

"I'm not," Blaine said, looking right into Kurt's averting eyes, "It's time you start seeing how amazing you really are, Kurt H-"

Right on time- if someone could call it that- the dental hygienist emerged from behind him with a stern and impatient look.

"Anderson? Blaine Anderson?" she called for him, looking around the waiting room.

"To be continued," Blaine smirked. "I took the rest of the day off, when's your lunch break?"

"You're getting fluorine today, mister," Kurt winked, "No eating or drinking for-"

"Oh, please-"

"Blaine?" the woman called again, rolling her eyes.

"Right here," Blaine announced, finally, following her back to his actual appointment.

Before he could leave, Kurt called out to him. "But I get off at 4 today."

They made eye contact before Blaine disappeared.


The door of Kurt and Blaine's joint apartment swung open right not long after 4 later that day, as promised.

Kurt set his bag on the hooks attached to the wall, and took his work shoes off, a habit that both of them decided would be a good change for them, not only for the cleanliness, but also because it made them feel like adults.

"Honey, I'm home," Kurt called out, loudly.

Within seconds, a curly-headed boy emerged from the doorway that led to the kitchen, grinning like a fool.

"Long time, no see," Blaine said, pecking him on the lips and jumping up to sit on the countertop.

"I know, it's been forever."

Kurt rolled his eyes at him before taking off the other's shoes that he was still wearing from earlier, and throwing them to be with his own.

"Oh," Kurt suddenly remembered, "I brought something home for you since you liked it so very much." Kurt reached into his pocket to find a folded copy of what Blaine saw in the office- the drawings. "Be sure to hang it on the fridge."

Blaine frowned at him, jumped off the counter, and picked up the paper that was held in front of him. "You're really something special, Kurt. And I'm sorry you can't see it."

"Special?" Kurt scoffed. "I'm not special. I'm a receptionist."

"You don't have to be. These 'doodles' are more than being bored at your day job. You can do something with these."

Kurt turned away from Blaine, crossing his arms and looking at the ground.
"Alright, enough of the fantasy, Blaine. Let's get back to reality. What do you want for dinner?"

Blaine paused, "I- uh... Chinese food?"

"Sounds good," Kurt flashed him a smile, and pulled out his phone to order 'the usual'.

Blaine simply stood in the middle of the kitchen, wondering why Kurt Hummel couldn't see the talent inside of him.

I haven't updated in over a month... I don't even have an excuse. But still, thank you so much for reading!! I've gotten so many nice comments on my story since the last time I updated and I'm honestly so glad that some of you enjoy reading this!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks!

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